Does decomposed granite affect the pH of soil?

See subject.
Decomposed granite.

My dog park switched to using the stuff about a year ago, and it gets blown through the fence into surrounding tree/shrubbery, which haven’t been flourishing, and someone thought that that was the reason. I told him I would check with People Who Know.

DG is just coarse sand, mostly particles of granite. The pH varies with the material’s origin, but it has little effect on overall soil pH. Organic gardeners sometimes use it to enhance soil fertility. It is over rated as a material for pathways because when wet it turns into decomposed granite mud and tracks red everywhere. Also, it is an ideal medium for germinating weed seed, not preventing weeds. I hate the stuff. It is better than brick sand for leveling flagstone, though.

When we take igneous building materials for granite, we end up between a rock and a hard place. We have to wait for opinion to recrystallize and exert a metamorphic effect on engineering practices and hope that the construction conglomerates in Flint don’t throw sand in our eyes in the meantime. The moral of our story is this - if geology has been slated for discussion, be gneiss and clean up all the schist first. Don’t chalk it up to bad practices.

Golf clap.
Golf clap.

Well-played, Sir.

It would be hard to imagine why it would very much. Granite is silica (SiO2) with some aluminum oxide (Al2O3) thrown in, as well as various trace elements. Both oxides are very insoluble and pretty unreactive with water – naturally, since this is how they persist for geological times on a planet drenched in water. Both will react with strong acids and bases, so they do have acid-base properties, but nothing that would see action with the usual environmental acids and bases.

Thanks to all. Off goes this URL to my friend.