Does KFC really sell mutant chicken?

Was KFC ever called “Colonel Sanders”? My dad calls it that, and I don’t know if it’s a hold over from when he was younger; I can’t trust that he’d tell me the truth. Or is he just being a dork, like when he refers to gas as “petrol” (he’s not British)?

Early on, it was sold as “Colonel Sanders’ Kentucky Fried Chcicken”. In fact, if you pass by any KFC founded in the early 1980’s or earlier, you’ll notice the “Colonel Sanders” part on the billboard (in smaller type, and not directly next to “Kentucky Fried Chicken”. They appear to have abandoned this by 1985.

Actually, they changed the name from Kentucky Fried Chicken to KFC to save money on the signs. As one junoir executive put it, “Think of the savings.” Of course he was forgeting that they would have to replace all the old signs.

The company was nearly destroyed.

And who was the junior executive? Roy Stout.

The company was nearly destroyed because they shortened their name? I didn’t know that. I’m not doubting you, but do you have a cite?

There are featherless chickens though. :> Developed in israel for farming in hot climates… it looks absolutely ridiculous and very disturbing for some unknown reason.

A six breasted naked chicken might be popular with the roosters.

Here’s the photo. The phrase “oven ready” comes to mind.:eek:

It’s the MSG. Amazing how many people say that the MSG in Chinese food makes them sick, yet have no problem with KFC.

But MSG will make pretty much anything yummier, particularly meaty things.

This baby will deep fry a buffalo in 30 seconds.
Oooooh, but I want it now!

Gee, after reading the OP and the copious similar responses I was thinking we must be coming up on a full moon.

Nope. The full moon was February 16th.


Wasn’t it Plato who defined man as a featherless biped? (implume something or other… )

I suppose we’d be cannabals if we ate those bald birds. Damn.

Featherless chickens can also come from genetic selection of another trait (say more breast meat). The chickens KFC buys come from the same companies found in the supermarket, perhaps killed earlier than the ones in the market.

Most if not all chicken companies either have their own genetic selection stock or buy their breeders from company that specialize in genetic selection for certain chicken traits.

Don’t believe them. Oh sure, they’ll point you to Snopes and say “That settles it.” but we know better.

Right now, a fight for our future is on. Bands of mutant chicken roam the street fighting for and against humanity.
Cluck-clop, Marvel-hen, Ice-Rooster, Wolvercluck, etc vs The Brotherhood of Evil Roosters.

Coming soon to a theater near YOU!



Too Cool to Fry!


Don’t you mean cross the street? :smiley:

Mmm… six breasts…

Chronos, do you have a cite for the MSG thing I could show LadyLion? We love KFC but she says she reacts to MSG at a Chinese buffet place (Wok your Dog) in Phoenix.

Say, does anyone know of a consumer pressure fryer? Not the kind of thing I’d like to experiment with on my own as I don’t have a Cape Canaveral style blockhouse next to the kitchen.

Padeye, William Poundstone, in one of his “Big Secrets” books, had an independent lab do an analysis of the KFC breading mix. IIRC, they found only flour, salt, pepper, and MSG (so much for the old “11 herbs & spices” claim).

You can probably find Poundstone’s book(s) in your local bookstore, or at

As far as I know any regular old pressure cooker will work, that’s what the Colonel himself used originally. I’m assuming you don’t actually want to fry 20 chickens at a time however. ;>

Google “pressure fryer”, Padeye. Using your best filter skills, that is.
Pressure frying is supposed to give a product with less grease.
Could be, I suppose.

I believe that they DID use 11 herbs and spices originally, but that they cut down later in order to save a little money.

(BTW, ever notice that Cecil Adams/Ed Zotti, David Feldman, and William Poundstone have never been seen in the same place at the same time?)