Does my butt look big in this??

I’m fat!!! :eek:

Well at least according to the person that is supposedly my best friend.

My g/f has been doing the Weight Watchers program since January and its really working for her. In fact it’s going so well they offered her a job in Weight Watchers HQ. Yay for her I was really pleased. (This is the same g/f that sells tupperware.)

For ages she’s been telling me how wonderful WW is. But last week she started to push me to join. Supposedly I could do with a bit of a trim!

This is a friend I have had since 1988 - she knows me very well.

She knows I won’t join WW because with my Crohns Disease I can’t eat a lot of high fiber foods and besides I’m not a diet person. I’ve lost over 20kg since last December just through being sick - my doctors are telling me to not try to loose weight as I need a buffer incase I get worse (which is a distinct possibility right now).

We are fostering a Labrador puppy for 12 months whilst he trains to be a detector dog for the Australian Customs Dept. This means walking the dog for at least 45min-1hr every day. My g/f knows all this and yet still thinks I should join WW.

First she pushes Tupperware like some hardcore dealer and now with the Weight Watchers – sheesh enough already. What do you do when your best friend who you went through high school with, moved interstate with and shared houses with for many years becomes a different person?

I think you need to explain to your friend that you are not interested in being her customer at all, and if she has no other use for you than as a customer, then you need to find new friends.

You should also explain that going on any diet besides what your doctor recommends could seriously endanger your health, and that you don’t appreciate her “advice”. BTW, according to a book I have (may be out of date) any person who loses 10 pounds on WW qualifies to be a group leader. Most people will lose 5-10+ pounds on any diet the first week - it’s called water weight, and it’s because most people eat such crap that they are retaining water. Just eliminating the crap from the diet will usually result in that much “weight” loss.

Zyada I thought it would be easy enough to explain to my g/f but she doesn’t seem to be listening.

Weight Watchers is this wonderful thing that changed her life and made it some much better and the Tupperware thing is really boosting her ego. So she wants me to share in this experience, I just don’t want to.

She was suicidal only 3 months ago so I don’t want to rock the boat by rejecting her outright but I need someway to tell her to tone it down. I’ve tried the “lets not talk about work today” thing but to her its a lifestyle not a job. If I hear one more time how many “points” are in my chosen item of food I’ll scream.

Leechbabe, get some new friends. As soon as a friend looks at you as a ‘mark’ for their sales the friendship is over. You’ve given her a chance and a very valid explanation, she hasn’t respected that, so you have your answer right there.

Move to Sydney, you’ll find a much better class of person there :wink:

Now, listen…when I open a thread with a title like this, I expect links to actual pictures! :slight_smile:

You say your friend knows you have Crohn’s? Sounds kind of insensitive, or maybe she’s just a little uninformed. Instead of screaming when she begins counting up points, you could try a little “shock therapy” with her. Something like, “Oh, I’m just fattening up for when the doctors remove about six feet of my intestines and then give me an ileostomy. I’m sure I’ll drop a few pounds, then.” (Not that it’s really going to happen, Og willing.)

Good luck.

This sounds a lot like the people who push religion on you- they have experienced a profound life change and are baffled by those who don’t seem interested.

If I were you, I’d let her know that you and your doctor manage your weight, and if you need additional advice you’ll ask her, but in the meantime, you don’t want to discuss it again. You can be firm, but polite.

I’m on WW, and the problem is, your arguments won’t hold up with her- WW works (I’m sure she’s told you) by addiing up “points” values for foods- so virtually any eating plan can be incorporated. Instead of saying you can’t join because of Chrons, I’d suggest being blunt and saying “Look, weight is a very personal issue, and I’m dealing with my weight managment in my own way. I don’t care to discuss it with you again”.

Blunt, but it should do the trick.

I don’t Sydney is ready for me yet Goo, I’m still a Gold Coast girl at heart. Not sophisticated enough for the big city.

You’re fabulous just the way you are, leechie (even if I couldn’t remember what colour your hair is). :slight_smile:

Thanks TLD.

Am seeing my g/f tonight and think I will tell her straight out “No more selling stuff to me or we ain’t going to be friends any longer.” Hopefully she wont be offended but it needs to be said even if she is.

Yes, your butt looks great in that!

Max Carnage thats my husbands standard response to the “does my butt look big in this” question.

Usually followed by “Now take it off!”

I imagine that WW reps are required to inform potential clients to consult their doctors before entering into any weight loss regimen. She’s advising you to go against your doctors’ orders. It seems to me that this behavior could land her and WW in legal trouble. Threaten to report her to her supervisors. And dump her as a friend.