Does Obama still smoke?

Ta da!

But Joe Sixpack smokes! As long as the addiction doesn’t mentally impair you, I personally don’t see the relevance. Alcoholism can pretty clearly render you unable to function well cognitively, so it would probably be an issue for me. I don’t know what painkiller addiction does to you, so I can’t make any judgments on that. Fuck, I know plenty of doctors who smoke, doesn’t make a whit of difference to me or my trust level of them. In all honest, I’m more suspicious of people who don’t seem to have any personal vices.

This is what **Argent Towers **was referring to when he called smoking a polarizing issue. Here we have a poster equating a guy with a smoking habit to a drug addict and an alcoholic, and suggesting that it should be a campaign issue. QED

And, what if, heaven forbid, he indulged in that drug a lot of us know all too well, caffeine. That cup of java every morning; the campaign issue to end all campaign issues. Og knows we can’t have a drug addict in the White House!

President Bartlet smoked whenever he was stressed and he usually was able to deal with the worst the world was able to deal him within sixty minutes each week. Minus commercial breaks, of course. I’ll take that.

I have little doubt that each on-screen puff was paid for by Big Tobacco.

Caffiene is not generally considered addictive. I quite often have none all weekend.

Of course he inhaled…that was the point.

Interesting. When I was a smoker, I often had no cigarettes during the weekend. My roommate, on the other hand, gets a horrible headache if she doesn’t have caffeine in the morning. Every morning.

Anecdotes, not data.

Do you really want cites that nicotine is addictive? :dubious:

Or that caffiene is generally considered habit-forming as opposed to addictive?:confused:

This appears to be as close to a GQ answer to the OP as we are likely to get here.

I’m declaring this asked and answered. Those who wish to debate other aspects related to Obama’s smoking may start a thread in GD.

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