As a tangent from this thread, I was wondering what kind of buyer protection Paypal offers for purchases not made through eBay. On the Paypal site all the info about buyer protection seems to pertain to eBay. How about (for example) if I use Paypal to buy something from someone off Craig’s list, or some other online site, or even a newspaper - and the seller doesn’t deliver? Would it be simpler to just dispute the charge with the credit card company? (assuming my Paypal account uses a credit card for funds.)
Dude, you probably shouldn’t buy the freaking Xbox if you’re that worried.
Thanks for that useful response, Guinastasia :rolleyes:
Anyone have a GQ answer?
I always use my credit card to fund my Paypal account, on the premise that I can order a chargeback if something goes wrong. I’ve heard of numerous others who do this, though I’ve never seen an actual report of a Paypal chargeback being performed. What are they going to do to you, though, pull money out of your checking account to make up for the charged-back amount? :dubious:
When a buyer initiates a chargeback, PayPal places a temporary hold on your PayPal account. Essentially, this subtracts the amount from your current PayPal balance. I assume that after a certain period of time, they will pull the money from your checking account, but it’s not immediate. However, you can’t send money while you have a negative balance, so it’s inconvenient.
That sounds about right. According to their website,
Their buyer complaint policy says this:
When I first read this I thought it applied only to eBay purchases, but apparently not.