Does shaving hair make it grow back thicker?

It sounds impossible to change the size of the hair follicle considering that it’s already dead. Wive’s tale?

There is a commercial for a hair removal product called “Enleve” or something like it that mentions this UL. Guess they haven’t heard. . .

People usually start shaving about puberty, when your hair is coming in thicker and darker every day. My stats prof said something about just becase something happened before something else it did not cause it. Of course, he made it sound cooler…

There is an optical illusion effect – tiny, short hair next to bare skin looks “thicker and darker” than longer hair of same width/circumference.

There is also “feel” effect – tiny, short stubble feels heavier or thicker than longer (hence “silkier”) hair when you rub your finger along it.

And Little Bird’s comments are also apt.