This was originally a question I sent to Cecil, but judging by the response I got back from his team, It seems that it will not be answered; I’m posting it here.
Lately, when I perform, I have been annoyed from the numerous and unworthy praise coming from listeners. I don’t mind the simple compliment and common criticism, however, when bombarded with the word talent, it seems to irritate me. This is because I have worked extremely hard to get where I am today. With only my self-determination and want to learn the piano, i have achieved a splendid musical journey, that will never end. My point is, I never had lessons and I was only able to play the piano through my hard work and self want to do something. The words ‘natural’ talent seem to not mix with me, for I was useless when I first tried to play the piano. I believe a 2 year old could of done better. This so called ‘talent’ people speak of is only something that Is fabricated and learned, right? Everyone is born with the same abilities (to a sense), so isn’t it up to the individual what he or she wishes to do? Of course, this may bring in the concept of 'Nature vs. Nurture"…for example, Is natural talent a synonym for being exposed to music while growing up? or is it genetic… Look at the children in china. These kids are being disciplined at incredibly early ages to do amazing things! Talent? More like parents yelling at them as soon as they exit the vagina: “Get to work on your music theory!” Does talent exist?