Hi there,
I’m thinking of selling some of my digital photos on a site called Shutterstock (www.shutterstock.com). It gives me this request, which I find pretty creepy! What do you guys think?
Verify your Address
In order to prevent fraud, we need to receive a copy of a government issued ID (passport, drivers license, ID). Please scan it in and upload it now as a JPEG, TIF, or PDF image:
(This is in the second step of the registration process, right after I’ve entered my name, address, and so on)
I don’t think it’s creepy at all.
They’re trying to make sure that you’re not uploading and selling something that is illegal, like images of money or kiddie porn or whatever. This step gives them something that (allegedly) they can use to track you down if you do upload something that is illegal.
I don’t think it’s unreasonable. This is a sales service, and these DIY stock photo web sites are fairly notorious for having “photographers” upload someone else’s work without the proper permission–my business partner (a designer) had been interested in some of the shots from a different stock site, but started noticing that a good number of photos for sale looked very familiar–turns out they were photos that came free with one of the earlier editions of Photoshop! We decided it was too risky going with a service whose vetting was so lax (as WE didn’t want to get slapped with a lawsuit from the photographer).
So you can see that shutterstock might want a way to verify that you are who you say you are, to cut down on fraud.
Yes, it’s unreasonable for strangers on the internet to ask for a scanned copy of your photo identification. What a fine way for people up to no good to collect everything they need to create fake IDs.
If you do decide to submit it, be sure you do enough damage to the image so that it can’t be misused. Superimpose VOID and/or COPY on it, and blur out the drivers license number.
I think you’re missing the entire point of a stock photo site.
I believe the comment was made to distort the driver’s license image and not the uploaded digital photos.
Ah, well nevermind then.
In case anybody’s interested, a friend of mine is a member and says the site is perfectly legit (but don’t expect to make a lot of money.) They also apparently will take a credit card as proof of address so you don’t have to send a photo ID.