Does thread count in sheets matter?

Mom has asked for some nice sheets for Christmas. Not a gift I would have thought to give, but hey, if that is what she wants, that is what she’ll get.

I looked at 600 and 1000 thread count. I will happily spend more if I know it makes a difference - it *is *Mom after all.

But I don’t want to waste money either.

Are 1000 thread count sheets more comfortable than 600 TC?

How well will they hold up? Are higher TC sheets more or less durable than lower?

Generally speaking, higher thread count indicates a softer more pliable sheet. But it also indicates a more delicate one, more prone to fraying and wearing out sooner. Once you get above 400, you’re probably looking at marketing differences, not textile quality. More info here.

The popular preference in the last few years has moved to 100% cotton with a high thread count for softness. But it really depends on what your mom likes. Me, I prefer a lower thread count (more durable) and I actually like a cotton/poly blend (I love a smooth wrinkle free sheet) in a “satin” finish for softness and a cool touch. What can I say? It may be trashy, but it’s what I grew up sleeping on.

Ask your mom what to look for in a good sheet. She’ll be happy you asked her advice, I bet. And then you’ll know what *she *likes.

Oh yes it matters! :slight_smile: 180-250 tc is the el cheapo range. Not worth a single dime. Won’t last, and pills like crazy, feels like sandpaper. 300-500 is your midrange zone. Feels pretty good, lasts a lot longer, resists pilling (little fuzzballs), usually a good buy. 600-1000 tc is your luxury range. Sheets will last virtually a lifetime. I’ve had my 1000 tc sheets for years and have not a single pill. They feel like, well they make me feel good. They are soft, silky and just mmmmmmm to slide into every night. They are considerably more expensive. I paid $180 for mine, but I expect to never have to replace them. I don’t know what your budget is for your gift, but anything in the 600 tc range and up are considered “nice sheets”.

ETA: WhyNot, I’ll respectfully disagree that higher thread count sheets are more delicate. While each individual yarn is thinner and more delicate, the overall mass makes the sheets more durable. My sheets are not delicate at all. And they weigh a ton.

From the cite I linked: “Finer thread also results in a more fragile fabric, however, which may not always be ideal. Two-ply fabrics help solve this problem somewhat by strengthening the threads and creating a more durable, though heavier, fabric.”

Perhaps yours are two-ply and that’s why they’re so heavy?

I’ve got Costco Egyptian cotton sheets and they are really really nice for about $60 for queen size. 400 count I believe.

Ditto- higher thread count makes for a softer, smoother fabric.

I suggest Egyptian Cotton sheets. Once we went Egyptian, we could never go back. Tried to once, on laundry day. I put the old, but nicer sheets back on the bed and my husband whined that they felt like wax paper. I paid a lot for my first set of EC sheets, but since then, discovered that they are much, much cheaper on Ebay. They have guides there too, to explain the sheet buying lingo.

If you choose to buy them locally, always feel them first.

Higher thread counts are nice and soft once you break them in, but if you like to treat yourself to some nice, crisp starched sheets once in awhile they stand up to that much longer, too. Of course then, you might seriously consider true linen.

Agreed. I’ve had my sheets (don’t recall what specific thread count they are, somewhere between 600 and 1000) for about six years, maybe more, and they’re still in great condition. I paid less than $100 for them (shop the sales, including online), and honestly the feel is so different from the 250 thread count that you’ll feel like the Princess and the Pea if you ever go back.

I actually prefer a 100% cotton sheet with a relatively lower thread count. And I strongly prefer a percale to a sateen weave. They just feel so good when they’re broken in!

So, like anything else, MMMV. (Mom’s mileage may vary.) But in general, I’d say you’re better off getting a higher than lower thread count.

Where are you shopping? You can get some great deals at TJ Maxx or Marshall’s. It’s hit or miss, but if you get a “hit,” you might even be able to get her a couple of sets!

I used to be all about high-thread count cotton sheets. But lately I’ve switched it up. The last three sheet sets I’ve gotten have all been modal (beech fibers). Relatively low thread count (250-300, I think), but oh, so soft!

Higher thread counts are nice, but man, I have to wonder when people talk about low thread count sheets pill and won’t last. I have some cheapo Kmart sheets ($20 for the set) that I’ve had for years and are used regularly, and they’re perfectly fine.

They’re not as SOFT as my higher count sheets, but they haven’t pilled, haven’t fallen apart, nothing.

Yes, I’ve never heard of plain cotton sheets pilling. Flannel or tee-shirt fabric, maybe, but not regular cotton.

Honestly, my favorite sheets are jersey sheets–that stretchy t-shirt feel is awesome.

You’ll pry my 1000 thread count egyptian cotton sheets from my cold dead… well, no you won’t, actually. I want my coffin lined with them.

I have several sets, for years now, and they’ve held up beautifully. They’re soft and silky and fabulous. When I occasionally sleep elsewhere I suffer without them.

You can get great deals on or I think the most I paid for any of mine was $150.

I skipped the whole thread count issue with my last pair of sheets and went with Modal ( Rayon - Wikipedia ) which is made from respun cellulose from reconstituted beech wood. Sounds weird, but it doesn’t pill, and I would describe the feeling as somewhere between cotton and silk, though you can machine wash and dry just fine. Great sheets

I don’t care what the thread count in a cotton sheet, it just doesn’t get any softer than bamboo. I can’t even describe how soft it is.

Any sheets I had with a count over 400 disintegrated in less than ten years.

Don’t get suckered by ultra high thread counts. Check out 250 - 500 range, and feel the material; make sure it feels good and sturdy.

I like nice crisp sheets, so I don’t like pima. Buy white sheets and use blueing, not bleach.

The best sheets I ever slept in where in B&Bs in Ireland. Any Irish B&B managers with advice?

Oh, I dunno. That site says it’s “self regenerating.” Things like that scare me. I watch too much sci-fi.

Ok, I’m sure you’re just being silly, but I’ll post this anyway. . .

I’ve had two sets of 600 thread count sheets, and both started pilling the first time I washed them. By about the 5th wash, both were so pilled they were very uncomfortable to sleep on. I got one set on overstock, (with a very high star-rating) and the other at tj maxx. Yeah, I’m cheap. Still, these were 600 thread count, 100% cotton sheets.

I’ve never had this problem with any other sheets, so I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m scared to buy high thread count sheets anymore. Anyone have a clue?