Does Yohimbine Really Make Your Wife Frisky?

I have heard Yohimbine is some sort of an afrydigeit(sp my a’s fell out of my dictionary.) And for some reason my sex drive has gone way up (maybe working out so much). Could this yohimbine work for my wife. If so, how do administer it?


One of my brothers is into herbs and is also a mild depressive, taking Paxil, which pretty much has knocked his sexual activities down a lot. He says that Yohimbine helps him, but has warned others that you have to be careful with it because it is a strong herb, and the warning is not because of sexual effects, but physical side effects.

He only uses it now and then. I’ve never tried it.

Yohimbine is an “aphrodisiac” in the same sense that spanish fly is - all it does is increase blood pressure, thereby leading to the possible prolonging of an erection regardless of sexual arousal. It’s not quite as fatal as spanish fly, obviously, but it does run a risk of blood-pressure related problems, which can be pertty nasty and lead to bad health down the road.

It does absolutely nothing for women, with the exception of the possible risk.