I get these thoughts “stuck” in my head the way you get a song stuck. Just some random thought that loops over and over. Currently my brain is thinking: what if I had surprise uncontrollable diarrhea that ran down my legs, and all I had to clean it off with was a cut up onion? And then imagining squeegeeing poo off myself with pieces of onion. Over and over. It’s A) stupid, because I have never come anywhere near pooping on myself B) stupid, because of the onion and C) stupid because it won’t stop!
Is it just me? Is anyone else tormented by random thoughts like this? Maybe posting about it will help.
My mind has summoned up horrible ways one could injure themselves with a paper cutter or a bagel cutter, and it has randomly recalled them at odd moments for years. So, yes.
Yes, especially in regard to the types of things elfkin477 mentions. Occasionally, my mind has wandered into thinking about other things that I may dwell on for a minute or two before I realize I’m doing it.
Hopefully, it’s not the onset of Alzheimer’s or something like that.
The other thing is that on the odd occasion when I have been involved in a car accident, I kept hearing the impact noise all day for the rest of the day.
There are a couple of scenarios when I was in my 20s when I could have had sex with really beautiful women, but I was too chicken/stupid. I wish I could purge these memories, but they pop up every couple of months or so.
Yeah, I imagine absurd things all the time. Like when I accidentally drop a piece of garlic between the stove and the countertop. I imagine it attracting vermin and then my cat being eaten alive at some point in the future.
Most definitely, and it usually involves the number 97 for some reason. Like what would happen if I were given $97 million, or what if I had 97 cats, or what if I lost 97% of my weight. I have no clue why the number 97 pops up in my thoughts so often, as it has no special meaning to me.
All day long, big and little, crazy and crazier thoughts.
Little one: Every time I make a shopping list the word “ice” will pop in to my head every time I think of what I need. I don’t NEED ICE. I NEVER NEED ICE so why does it pop into my head at least a dozen times when I’m listing? It happens every single time. Ice. I don’t even use ice, and still have ice trays full of them.
And because I’m becoming more like Homer Simpson as the days go by, ICE makes me think ICE CREAM. I all-cap them because that’s how they come flying out if the swiss cheese holes of my brain.
ICE! ICE CREAM! mmmmmicccccecreaaaaammm… I wonder if we have any ice cream…
Next thing I know I’m eating a bowl of Moose Tracks, dripping chocolate all over that list.
Driving is where the biggies come in though. I swear I have imagined T-Rexes bounding across the lanes stomping on cars. I have such a vivid imagination I’ll cringe in fear thinking about a car flying at me. I see tornadoes in the distance on lovely sunny days. I’ll see a man standing on the road and think, “What if he stepped out as I passed by?”
It’s not just the thought, it’s the court case and my fight for custody of my child after they bungle the drug test and I’m in jail for vehicular homicide. Just because that guy stepped into my path. A whole story will play out, so it’s not exactly like your scenario with the short loop. Mine’s a freakin mini-series.
But here’s one that really tickles me. When I was a kid we had a washing machine in the bathroom. Every time I’d bathe or use the toilet I’d see the instructions on the washer. **“Basket will stop spinning after lid has raised. Do not remove or add clothes until basket stops.” **
Now this washer was gone by the time I was seven or eight but I remember the exact warning and think it randomly almost 35 years later. I’ll wake up and out it comes. Oddly not in capital letters like the ICE. Once I’ve thought it, it will come out a dozen times before it slips back into the mental drawer from whence it came.
I play out hypotheticals like what if that guy stepped in front of my car too. Your washer warning made me laugh because I’ve had things like that happen to me. Something I constantly read will then haunt me (like the words written on something next to the microwave, where I’m likely to stand for a few minutes on a frequent basis).
18, 63, 74 and 46. Those numbers pop into my head a lot, and I don’t know why. I just noticed that the last two are the Habs jersey numbers of the Kostitsyn brothers…I’m pretty sure those numbers popped into my head before I really started following hockey, though, and the other two numbers have no meaning to me that I can think of.
Sometimes I anticipate a guy stepping into my lane from behind almost everything. Or a deer or a cat. Or a bicyclist. A dog, you name it. I sometimes notice real roadkill deer or cats, and guys do get run over, so I guess this isn’t perfectly absurd.
Totally. Almost daily. It’s one of the aspects of my OCD. I have obsessive thoughts like this all the time. A couple days ago, I kept thinking, “what would happen if there was an earthquake and all of the porcelain figurines fell off the shelves and I couldn’t find the broom?” Mind you, I live in Wisconsin and there hasn’t been an earthquake in, like, ever… plus I know where the broom is…
Sometimes I wonder what would I do if I was invited to someone who I didn’t know’s house for dinner, and was served a meal of onions covered with a vile, foul smelling brown sauce, that couldn’t be… could it?
That only happens to me right before I nod off to sleep late at night. I’ll get a conceptually bizarro thing pop in my head and then it won’t go away.
Stupid Brain: “I should buy a new drybag for the next canoe expedition. The kind with backpack straps to make the portage easier. I wonder what would happen if my testicles deflated?”
Fully Conscious Cellphone: “WTF was that? Go away stupid thought! Now, back to the musings of paddling…”
SB: “Deflated testicles.”
FCC: “Stop that! I’m trying to sleep and dream about paddling!”
Hahahaha! Is Poo-onion thing anywhere near Pooh Corner?
As to the OP, yeah, I do that sort of thing too, all the time. I had a temp job for about a week recently and part of my responsibility was to answer the phone. A week after that, “Thank you for calling XYZ company, how may I help you?” kept popping into my head at random intervals.
I am obssessed with good names for bands, which is not all that strange. However, every now and then, for no good reason, I will start picking random words and thinking, gosh, that would be a really odd thing to name a baby. For instance, I’ll see a dustpan: "Dustpan would be a really weird thing to name a kid.’ I try to get this out of my head. Seconds later: ‘But Laundry-mat would be even worse.’ It’ll go on for hours if I let it. Highly annoying. I call it a brain burp.
YES! I often do this in the car when Im a passenger. Sometimes I imagine myself jumping out of the car whilst it is in motion. This only happens when the car is going really fast. Sometimes Ive goen as far as taking my seat belt off! Scary! I do this kind of thing fairly often. The wierd thing is that I always have visions of me hurting myself - I must have issues!
I have one where I wonder if I will be able to NOT reach up and squeeze my eye until it squashes like a grape. I then spend the next hour wondering in horror if I might actually do it.