My dog has no interest whatsoever in it but I’m dogstitting a friend’s golden this weekend and he seems quite the fan. I have on The Two Towers and he’s completely mesmerized by the horses and especially the wargs and has been watching intently for the last half hour. I also used to have an irish setter who loved baseball - she would sit right next to the tv and bite at the ball. Which, while amusing at first, become an annoyance when the screen became covered with slobber.
Clover likes shows if they have other dogs on them. It has to have a dog before it gets her attention.
She’ll watch wolves, too.
My cat doesn’t watch tv per se, but he loves batting at the screen when I’m playing around on the Wii.
My girl cat LOVES TV. It’s the weirdest thing. It might be our fault because we sleep with the TV on, but I will wake up in the middle of the night to find her staring at whatever episode of Roseanne or MAS*H my husband has flipped on.
My boy cat did love to watch Meerkat Manor - he’s never reacted the same way to any other TV show. He’d basically sit in front of it and his head would move back and forth after them. We considered getting the DVDs just for his reaction.
Not TV as such, but when my Mom is online, her dog will beg for her to go to YouTube, then jump in her lap to watch with her. Weird.
My miniature dachshund doesn’t watch TV, but he listens to it. Anytime he hears a doorbell on TV he starts barking and runs to the door. I don’t have a doorbell. :smack:
Just once…my cat tried to catch monkeys on the screen during a National Geographic thing.
My pup loves it. She’ll bark at dogs and horses or other large animals, even when the sound is off (or when no dogs are visible but there is barking), and even when they are cartoons or animated black shapes. She’ll even go up to the screen and look behind the television. Don;t know whether that makes her dumb, smart or just funny.