Dog got sprayed, but not skunk?

Thank you for all these posts last night! The posts are what told me what to do. I let my German Shepherd Dog out for the last time about 10:30 pm last night and she didn’t come immediately when I called her. Our almost acre is fenced so I knew she wasn’t far. I walked a ways out and all of a sudden she came running, sort of snorting, and once in the house her mouth was slightly foaming. Her mouth was pretty red, not swollen, but the inside of her ears were really red. She was very restless and kept licking her mouth. We have garlic growing and I thought at first she might’ve chased something in the garlic, but then it was just weird. I ended up giving her benedryl just to be safe. I washed her face off a few times with a wet wash cloth and a little dish soap. Rinsed it well. I felt to bad for her.

We kind of slept from 11 pm to 4 and I kept checking on her. I noticed she was licking her front legs during the night. I have concrete and hardwood floors so she wasn’t rubbing on anything and slept in her bed. I noticed the she really stunk when she finally came into to bedroom. I kept the whole house fan on and i think that helped. Apparently she had drank a lot of water and when I woke up, she was barking and she ended up urinating on the bedroom concrete which tells me she must’ve been drinking a lot of water to help soothe her mouth. And to rinse it, probably. I think the skunk sprayed in her mouth, on her chest, and her front legs.

At 5 a.m., I went to the store and bought 2 qts. of Hydrogen Peroxide and mixed it with 1/2 cup baking soda and a little bit (hefty squirt) of Dawn dish soap as that is what I read on here and at the humane society. Took her in the shower, poured the mixture on her mostly the front part of her body, used a soaked in the mixture wash cloth on her snout. When all the mixture was emptied on her, I then bathed her with my normal coal-tar soap, the generic brand of T-Gel (in the dandruff human section) and now she is fine. The T-Gel has been recommended for healthy skin of my GSD and horses we’ve had. Works great! Maybe this will help someone else. Because it didn’t smell like any skunk I’ve ever smelled, I was really confused. They wrote about a spotted skunk in the southwest, but I have no idea. I assume in hindsight, it was a skunk and I would do exactly the same thing if it ever happens again. Kooky night, though. I’m sure the benedryl helped her itchy symptoms a little too. 3 caplets for a 66 lb. dog is a fairly light dose but took the edge off for her. I bought an extra 2 quarts of Hydrogen Peroxide so I’ll be ready if it happens again.

Thank you again for your previous posts!!