Dog-shit Rant

Warning, post written in extreme anger and annoyance.

Damn it dog! Why can’t you be left alone in a fucking house for more than three minutes? Do you have to destroy something while you are alone? Are you that fucked up? Can’t you just sit under the futon and whine until someone comes home? Why do you do this? Are you afraid we won’t come back? News Flash We always come home. Every day! Or are you just pissed off that we leave and don’t take you with us? Either way you are in no way endearing yourself to me when you miss me so much that you shit on the floor. I know there is piss here too, but god knows where you did that.

Damn it Dan! Is it so hard to check and make sure Lucy is in her cage and the door is shut before you leave? I manage to do it every time I come home for lunch. She’s your dog. But yet I come home for lunch to let her out, I clean her poop and puke off the floor when you’re not there (my mom instilled a moral in me that you don’t leave a mess for someone else to find). I know you can’t come home during lunch and I am glad to do it for you (saves on lunch food prices) but GOD DAMN! I don’t like to clean up shit before I eat!

And finally—let’s place the blame where it really belongs:

Damn it cock-sucking, selfish, twisted, inhuman, bastards! You left two little puppies all by them selves in a junk yard. What kind of a waste of skin could leave two little innocent lives to starve, freeze, and die alone like that—even in a godforsaken hellhole like Alabama? (it was Alabama, right?) Do you have any idea how much you fucked up that poor little brown and white puppy? How hard would it have been to have dropped them off at a shelter? Or have your fucking bitch spayed? Probably would have cost a few bucks, but at least you wouldn’t have wasted little lives with your selfishness and greed. I hope someone puts you in such an awful position and then forces the people who love you to clean up your crap after you are left a babbling, incoherent, shell of a little man (or woman) who can’t be left alone for five damn minutes without shitting or pissing yourself.

Time for some crate training…

Sounds like that’s already being done, if not for lapses due to user error.

Yes she is crate trained already.

Of course there are those fun little occurrences when we come home with company only to find she has shit in her own cage (after being in there without potty breaks for gasp four hours!) and now we have a crazy, barking, shit-covered beast trying to jump up on us and simultaneously cower under the futon to get away from the “bad people.”

Doh! I missed that particular line of invective.