Dog swallowed boiled chicken thigh, what now/next? NEED Answer/Talking Down FAST!

Oy what a New Year.

Cleaning up after terrific dinner, prayers. Chicken soup, servings of chicken, etc etc from the pot. One slipped to the floor, I yell, he dashes off to his safe space for (our bedroom) leaving me with a tuft of back fur only, by the time I get down the hall he’s swallowed it. Boom. No chewing.

He’s a big Golden.

Now I don’t let him out of my sight. The only silver lining I can think of he didn’t chomp on it so there aren’t shards. But that bone is big. :frowning:

Please tell me something helpful, even if it’s calm down and wait…

I didn’t know you were Ethiopian.

Is he in distress? If not, don’t worry. Just watch him for the evening. If you are still concerned tomorrow take him to the vet.

Is he breathing OK ?

BTW your writing is MUCH clearer when you need it to be.

He’ll be fine.
And thank you for a great start to the new year.

Well, tried two vets, couldn’t get through, but talked to my friend, his breeder (and Golden breeder for 40 years).

Told me to calm the hell down, dogs eat animals all the time, it’ll dissolve-ish in his doggie stomach acids. Having said that, she wouldn’t recommend her Goldens eating chickens and raccoons as a habit, but since the thing was boiled already and he didn’t shard it up it’s OK, and just keep an eye on him.

Still interested in my SD brethren’s comments (although WTF Ambivalid is on about I have no clue, and hope it is well meant…)

I just didn’t know what “new year” it could possibly be besides maybe the Ethiopian New Year. ? :o :stuck_out_tongue:

Isn’t the issue with dogs eating cooked bones the following: they splinter when chewed up? If the dog swallowed it whole, that will probably not be an issue. I’d keep an eye on the dog for the next couple of days, and definitely call the vet in the morning.

There’s also 1-800-222-1222, aka Poison Control, and they get more calls about pets than they do about people.

The Jewish New Year.

Not only is it not an issue, boiled chicken (with rice IIRC) is the ‘bland diet’ for dogs that are sick.
He’ll be fine.

Dogs generally shouldn’t swallow bones. Bones that are splintered can cause perforations and other nastiness. Larger pieces can cause impactions.

All that said, if he didn’t splinter it, he’ll probably just throw it up. My dogs have done that when they’ve gotten a hold of larger chunks of things they shouldn’t have.

The fear is the cooked bones and splintering, as mentioned above. My 70 lb dog has eaten cooked chicken thighs and legs several times without any incident. Don’t feed him that, but you’re most likely okay,

Regardless if your ignorance of what New Year he was referring to, responding to a clearly upset poster like this is a shitty thing to do. Especially as the very first response.

No warning issued, because I’m giving you a shred of benefit of the doubt that you were trying to be light-hearted. However, think twice before using someone else’s worry as your joke fodder.

And yes, it’s Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year (one of the high holy days).

Our dog recently got into some cooked bones and had a bout of diarrhea and vomiting that lasted a few days. She was fine, but it was messy and scary.

I think your dog will be fine. If it didn’t choke on that hunk it will probably go on through. Your breeder was right. Calm down and just watch. :slight_smile:

Keep an ear out for hork-horks. A big indigestible(ish) lump like a thigh bone would make my dogs spew in short order. Or probably in the middle of the night… My dogs are a bit smaller though, maybe yours can get through it :slight_smile:

L’shana tovah!

Another voice of comfort to say your dog will probably be fine. Decades ago my mother’s dog (a Lhasa Apso, so a lot smaller than your Golden) pulled the same stunt at about 10pm on a Saturday night while she was hosting a party, in a rural town - meaning vet care was out of the question for the next 36 hours or so. My mother was horrified and panicked, but by Monday morning it was clear the dog was going to be just fine.

In people, swallowed bones can get stuck in the esophagus (food pipe) or trachea (windpipe) causing drooling and swallowing difficulties, or breathing problems respectively.

If the bone gets to the stomach into the intestine, it may well pass. I would stay calm, but keep an eye that your dog doesn’t seem to be in pain, which might suggest a bowel obstruction. This is unlikely, but would have symptoms like bloating, pain, constipation and not passing gas. Many dogs will vomit big bones that don’t clear the stomach.

Chances are the dog will be fine.

Boneless, skinless boiled chicken, dude.

Happy Jewish New Year 5779, Ambivalid!

Since sundown on September 9 it’s Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.