This is just a thread to state how doggone magnetic and charming Don Ameche was in his heyday. Typically, I don’t care for the pencil moustache pretty boy types, but Ameche managed to avoid the lounge lizard stereotype. Rather, he was more like a mischievous boy next door who cleaned up really nice.
I loved him in Midnight and in Moon Over Miami, but wasn’t crazy for his “latin lover” performance in Down Argentine Way. IMDB shows him in many other '40’s movies, but I don’t remember AMC ever listing them. Did the public not care for him much? I don’t see how that could happen - he was a looker and a good actor. I did like him in his latter-day movies like Cocoon and Trading Places.
Can anyone recommend any other earlier Don Ameche flicks?
Don Ameche was indeed a doll, and you’ve pretty much seen him at his best: I’d also recommend Alexander’s Ragtime Band and Heaven Can Wait.
Trivia: Edie “The Egg Lady” Massey from John Waters’ early films was such a Don Ameche fan she saw The Story of Alexander Graham Bell 30 times, and moved to Hollywood in the late '30s just to stalk him!
Seeing as he worked so extensively in radio, “Donameech” also ought to be remembered for his fine voice, diction and delivery. Over all, the guy was just an excellent comic actor and as likable as they come.
Remember he hosted “International Showtime” in the late 1960’s?
For one of his later roles how about “Things Change” ?
He was great as the cool, calm elderly gentleman contrasted against Joe Montagne’s edgy, nervous character who saw impending doom every minute. (Both were great in that movie).