donating blood to loose weight

I wonder if plasma donation might be more effective for weight loss as you can do it twice a week and a much greater quantity of fluid.

You have to replace the fluid.

you replace whole blood too

Even if you donated ALL your blood, you’d only lose 12-15 pounds. It’s fat you want to lose, not water.

Lose. You lose weight. It makes your pants loose.


If all you want is indescriminate weight loss, just saw off a leg or two.

One of the many sick strategies that young ballerinas in the early 80’s would use to stay thin, was to go out together once per month, have a truly (for us) ginormous brunch, (Eggs Benedict! And I ate most of the second one too! :eek: ) and then go donate blood together.

Would it work as a strategy to eat whatever you want and not exercise and stay thin? Of course not. But allowing oneself an occasional treat can really boost the discipline level of a chronically hungry person.