Don't forget September the 11th


Seriously? Today of all days you think anyone gives a flying fuck about Pinochet or the United States role in the coup? Piss up your own nostrils.

I have to give you credit, buddy. You are one of the best trolls that I have ever seen on these boards. This is a prime example: it has a point, but one that is so out of line at this point in time that you knew what kind of reactions you were going to get. You even put it in the right forum. Bravo. I am impressed.

Other people, I’m sure, will be handing you your ass in short order, but not me. No, I consider this your best troll yet, and given your other posts that’s saying something. I salute your accomplishments thus far and hope to see more top-notch trolling from you in the future. Keep up the good work.

The give it a bit of balance how about this Sept 11?

1944 - World War II: the first allied troops of the US Army cross the western border of Nazi Germany.

Now there were some glorious Yanks, kicking ass and taking names.

1941 Construction started on Pentagon.

1990 George H. W. Bush speaks to Congress

My sprog was born a year ago today. 7.47 in the morning.

On the plus side at least it’s an easy one for me to remember.

Happy birthday to the little one.

Thanks - I’ll pass that on to her.

More on September 11th in American history:

"On September 11, 1772, about 300 Indians and 50 British
soldiers began the siege of Fort Henry. This would be the last battle of the American Revolution…September 11th plays a key role throughout early American history including a failed peace conference with the British on September 11, 1776, and the first day the American flag was used in battle at the
Battle of Brandywine on September 11, 1777.

This is the post that can only be considered Trolling for reaction. How’s it working for you?



I could certainly understand a Chilean thinking that year was more important.

Are you Chilean?

Either this thread is an utterly retarded joke or an attempt to piss people off. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt this time, WildfireMM**, but only if you promise to stop being such an idiot.