DON'T Stump the Teenage Girl with Not-So-Average Knowledge

When does 2+3=-1?

What was the name of the first animal to orbit the Earth?

Who was Tricky Dick?

  1. There is a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold. What is she buying?

  2. What is expected to happen when the moon is in the seventh house, and Jupiter is aligned with Mars?

  3. I’m free as a bird now. Can you change me?

Using a 7 liter container and a 5 liter container draw 4 liters of water from your favorite source.

A referendum is being held on what Constitutional proposal in part of the UK this year?

Picasso is a famous artist.

Maybe if 3 is a negative number? 2 + -3? Wait, that would be -1. Oh well, just put negative signs! HA!

I have no idea!

Don’t know that either. (You’re a tricky dick, smartypants! :wink: )

  1. Shit! It’s a riddle? Fuck. Uhh… dildos.

  2. References. Fuck, again. No clue. …42?

  3. Maybe with one of those ladies’ dildos. (Hah, I have no idea.)


I don’t know! :dubious:

If someone refers to a “rotary phone,” what are they talking about?

Uhh, aren’t those with the rotating wheel around the numbers? so you have to turn the wheel to type in the number? I don’t really know how those work exactly, but I think I know what you’re talking about!

Yes, that’s it. I was going to do a follow up and ask how they work, but I’m not even sure I can remember anymore! :smiley:

it’s a logic puzzle. you can fill the containers and pour them back and forth. The goal is to create 4 liters of water.

this is not a Monty Python question.

what is the meaning of life.

Name the following movies that won an Oscar for Best Picture:

  1. Tim Hulce played Mozart
  2. Anthony Hopkins playing a serial killer
  3. Charlie Sheen playing a soldier in Vietnam
  4. Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep playing a divorced couple
  5. Sylvester Stallone playing a boxer

I’m not sure how I would go about that! Sorry. I can’t quite picture it in my head.


I don’t know any movie things! :frowning: I’m bad at this. Really, really bad!

As an example, pretend you were trying to get three liters of water. You would go like this:

  1. Fill up the five liter bottle.
  2. Pour the five liter bottle into the seven liter bottle. You now have five liters in the seven liter bottle.
  3. Fill the five liter bottle up again.
  4. Carefully pour the water from the five liter bottle into the seven liter bottle. Stop as soon as the seven liter bottle is full.
  5. You had five liters in the seven liter bottle so you were able to pour two more liters in. If you poured two liters out from the five liter bottle, you now have three liters left in the five liter bottle.

Are we permitted to give you the answers to the ones you don’t know? I don’t care about points, just edjumacating you. :smiley:

I’m of the opinion that dials were a step backward from simply speaking the number or name to the “hello girl” at Central.

Y’know, Hello Central, Get Me No Man’s Land.

It was nearly 100 years ahead of its time; couldn’t do it again until cell phones.

Question for Purin血:

Why is a typical typing keyboard “qwerty”?

Even her father’s namesake couldn’t save her!

But yeah, even I didn’t know this one. :wink: