- That stupid jeans commercial with the Fogerty song (“some folks are born/born to raise the flag…”)
That’s an ANTI-WAR SONG, you idiots! Maybe I should flame Fogety for that. - Also - that car commmercial with that beautful woman sharing her car with a succession of boyfriends (hippie, stockbroker type, then she lusts after the wrecker driver) That’s a Talking Heads Song - the left out the line “We went insane when we took cocaine.”
The Heineken ad that uses Joy Division’s “Love Will Tear Us Apart”.
Just … just because, damn it.
I am so very glad I haven’t seen this.
Haha yeah I always laugh at that jeans commercial w/ Fortunate Son because the very next line (that would come after the commercial ends) is “that ain’t me, that ain’t me”
On the other hand, rant part 2 is unfounded. The song in the Hyundai commercial is almost certainly intended to be a remake of Mariah Carey’s “Fantasy”, which is not a complete cover of the Talking Heads’ “Genius of Love.” All she really borrowed was the first refrain, so it’s perfectly natural that the ad would not include the line about cocaine (not that it would have anyway.)
Tom-tom Club, actually. Talking Heads withough David Byrne, that is. It’s on the remastered Stop Making Sense, though, because Byrne took a break.
Although, I think the peak of commercial idiocy peaked with “Oh Lord, Won’t You Buy Me a Mercedes Benz”…
Yeah the Joy Division one is pretty bad.
I know we’ve talked about it on the Boards before, but using Iggy Pop’s “Lust for Life” to promote Disney Cruises is so bad it’s delicious.
Fortunate Son was the first song that came to mind when I saw the thread title, even before opening it. I agree completely. The song also has a line that is anti-consumerism:
Nissan XTerra…remember the one? They used “What Do I Get?” by the Buzzcocks. Awful!
That would be nice, except it isn’t even close to being true.
Iggy Pop’s Lust For Life is indeed used to promote a cruise line, but I can assure you that it is NOT Disney’s cruise line.
Try again.
Not to mention 'Zep’s “Rock-n-Roll” for the new Cadillacs. And they’re flying off the lots. Hmmmmm…
Yeah. But if Deborah Curtis holds the copyright to “Love Will Tear Us Apart” it isn’t that shocking… he did cheat on her and then commit suicide. Not what you want from a husband when you’ve just had a baby. Why wouldn’t she cash in on his music?
I don’t think Fogerty owns the rights to any of the old Creedence material. He’s probably as pissed about it as any of us.
Well, it seems to me that if it is “indeed used to promote a cruise line,” then it is obviously in fact “close to being true.”
I’m sure BEADALIN can defend herself, but I don’t understand why people have to be so fucking snotty about minor mistakes.
A thousand apologies. Royal Caribbean is the cruise line, not the vaunted Disney. Perhaps I should also confess that I once thought “American Woman” was being used to plug Lee jeans. I am sure this has earned me a place in the eternal fires of hell.
Which car company is it that has the commercial using the Stooges’ “TV Eye”? The one where the dude is filming skiers jumping off a cliff. Makes me wanna puke.
Not that Iggy didn’t completely sell out twenty years ago, but still…
The Fogerty one just knocks me off the couch, but I’m pretty sure Saul Zaentz owns it.
It’s just so ridiculous as a ‘patriotic’ pitch jingle. Worse than Ronnie using ‘Born in the USA.’
Wasn’t there a company selling cars using ‘88 lines about 44 women?’
To black455 re: “Not that Iggy didn’t completely sell out twenty years ago, but still…”
I saw Steve Jones of the Sex Pistols giving an interview a few years back (on MTV?) - he was describing and bemoaning the plight of the disaffected UK youth in the late 70’s, and the despair within…
ON HIS FRICKIN’ PRIVATE ITALIAN MEDITERRANEAN ISLAND, with the top cut off nice and flat, and marble statues everywhere. Punk died the day the first kid said “punk’s not dead.”
Note to St. Paul McCartney: Don’t complain about MJ selling your songs for ads while you’re selling Buddy Holly’s tunes as ad fodder (cf: ‘Oh Buick,’ instead of ‘Oh Boy’).
Are you sure that she does hold it, though? AFAICR Joy Division songs were always credited to the entire band.
This is true. He is still very upset about all the CCR songs he wrote but has no rights to. And Fogerty holds the dubious distinction of being the only person sued for plagerizing himself.
[sub]the owner of the rights to CCR’s songs thought “The old man down the road” sounded too much like “Run through the jungle”. Not sure how that case turned out./sub]
Heh, I’d considered doing one about the CCR song in the past.
What bugs me is the use of “Getting Better” in the Phillips commercials. They always end the commercials with the Phillips logo and the lines “I’ve got to admit it’s getting better/A little better all the time,” but they leave out the part “it can’t get no worse.”
I hate how they can use some out of context clips from a song and make them fit.
I liked it when they had “Crazy Train” in the Nissan commercial. It amused me.