Dooku, an Entourage suggestion...

I know I should probably just email this your way, but I thought others might have something to add as well. Since, I do believe, you work at the Microsoft Mac team…

I’ve been trying to move my Mac OS X 10.2.2 Address Book contacts into Entourage 10.1. However, when I drag them to the Desktop, and then into Entourage, or just from Address Book into Entourage, the email address (you know, the most important part) DOES NOT transfer. Very annoying, and no doubt due to the difference in fields used by Apple and your company in your address book vCard support. Anyway, here’s my suggestion:

Why not create an AppleScript, similar to your “Import From Mail” Script, that can cleanly move contacts from Apple Address Book to Entourage Address Book?

In fact, I got thinking, a set of AppleScripts could actually pipe Entourage into the whole iSync digital hub thing, at least as a stop-gap measure.

A pair of AppleScripts that moved your Entourage calendar into iCal, and another that moved iCal calendars into Entourage, would make it possible to shuttle infomation into iCal for iSyncing, and then back into Entourage for use. A similar set could be used for Address Book.

Just a suggestion…
