Dopefest in Paris?

Too late, I am already here. We left Scotland- had a wow of a time and met so many lovely people. And got snowed in (sqee- first time for me).
Anyway, first time here for me and I would say the local folks have been delightful. No arrogance and really helpful.

However, I have no idea what they put in their drinks. I have had three pints and want to go to bed.

I know this thread is hardly going to change the world, but I had to add that I drank champagne on the summit of the Eiffel Tower today.

And I visited Jim Morrison’s grave (Come on baby light my fire). As walked away a number of American tourists came up and asked me if I knew where his grave was. So either I look like the Lizard King reincarnated or a bloody undertaker.

Or they heard I spoke English :slight_smile: