
I am interested in synonyms for “cool”.

Can you all help me with some?

Off the top of my head I can think of dope, fly, phat, far out, groovy, peach, neat-o, kickin’, spiffy, nifty, lucrative, rad, boss, swell…

Ok .
I just want to improve my vocabulary. Slang words from any decade or century are welcome, but any slang from the thirties, forties and fifties is right on the trolley…

Some Aussie examples from years ago: corker, bonzer, grouse.

And more recently: filthy, bulk, excellent.

older: the cat’s pajamas, bees knees
recently: fresh, clean, tight, the goods, primo.

tuff bitchin tubular mondo keen top-drawer

Actually, a more intersting question might be why “cool” manages to stay current. Most slang lives a life of a few years, and fades out of sight

(oh, there’s another one for you, to go with “far out” - “out of sight!”, “right on!”. This set led to a lot of joke versions - “far on and right out”, “right arm and farm out”, etc.)

Anyway, the few slang expressions that don’t fade out generally get subsumed into standard English. “cool” has managed to hang around as a slang expression across generations. I think part of the reason is that it has mutated to stay fresh - every few years a new way inflect the word seems to come along.

Well I am partial to Cartman-isms:

“Killer”, “Shweet”, “Supershweet”, and my all time favorite “Killerweakscheweet”

My favorite harks back a decade or two and packs maximum impact because it’s a boffo word all by itself and wasn’t beanen into the ground with overuse even in its heyday:


… as in “Sweet momma, that girl’s got one righteous pair of cheekbones!”

Dude. Sweet. Fuckin’ A! (that one can be good OR bad)

Man. Dude.


Fly and phat are pretty much out now. At least in my clique.

oh c’mon…
did anybody read my OP carefully?
I thought y’all would pick up on it.

I thought it was funny anyway…

Turpentine wrote:

“…I thought y’all would pick up on it…”
Turp, speaking on behalf of all the other posters, I just want to say:


Ok, ok…I’ll tel you, since nobody’s responding to this anyway .

I ran through a list of “cool” words I could come up with off the top of my head.
Either nobody seemed to notice that I slipped in the word “lucrative” as a slang word for “good”, or I was the only person who thought that was kinda funny.

My dream was to have it catch on and to have everybody use it frequently.

“Far out man, that Rockets Burst from Treehouses show was the bee’s knees.”
“Yeah, bro it was waaaayyyyy lucrative.”

And thanks ** Mouthbreather **, I really liked the “bee’s knees.” I was hoping for older terms.
Maybe i should have posted it with a different subject heading to attrat them rather than Dope Fly Phat. Ah well.


You were the only person who thought that was kinda funny.

I think this thread has run its course.

Peace out.