Doper prom picture thread

I had a pair dyed black my senior year, just because I wanted the satiny look to go with my dress. I’d forgotten the cool pantyhose!!

sigh I’m hearing this from waaaaa too many people, I’m beginning to believe it myself. I wonder if there’s some secret cabal from the Double Mint gum company who engineered our meeting so that they can secretly use us for free advertising.

No, Dean (my partner) is not related to me in any way. If you look at the wedding party photo, you can see his genetic brother, David, on the far left in the bottom row.

WOW! … I mean, really WOW

You look absolutely fabulous in that dress. The color of the dress sets off your skin and hair so well. You’re absolutely stunning!

Yeah I loved them too - That’s how I got shoes to exactly match my purple dress!

Just back off pal, I saw her first:cool:

Indeed, the available evidence suggests that not only did you rock, but you also rolled all night, and what’s more you most likely partied every day.

I stole Cowboy Jule’s dress!

My junior prom, also in 1986 with my high school boyfriend, David. I believe the theme was “A Night in Paris” - check out that hair! It’s HUGE!

Damn. The cute ones are always gay or married. Or in your case, gay AND married!

That’s hilarious! My hair wasn’t huge; what it was was plastered. I’d never used so much hairspray in my life. That hair didn’t move!



Wow, Freyr! Beautiful photos! And the happy couple. ::sniffs and digs out my hankie::

I love the cruise photo; it’s a terrific photograph and the both of you are such handsome devils!

Ah yes, SeniorProm 1990. We were the only ones in hats, go fig.

You look like Miss Scarlet, and I mean that in a good way. You…are the female, right? If not, your date looks like Miss Scarlet and I’ll go away into a hidey-hole for the next couple days.

I think I must have the most recent prom picture here, but I want to share it just because I like it. Neener. 2003 Prom. One of my friends that night came up to me and commented that I looked like “Neon Jesus.”

Thanks, yes, I am the female. And, yes, you do have that neon Jesus look going on!

If he was half as good looking IRL as he was in that picture, WhyNot, I can see why he was your babydaddy!

Anyway, here’s mine from 1980. Kind of sad, actually - I heard a couple years ago through the grapevine that the guy in the photo has multiple sclerosis and is in a wheelchair now. He’s 45 now.