Dopers born before 1964 -- Master List

<<<< 1958: amarone, Boyo Jim, CairoCarol, casdave, chiroptera, Cub Mistress, DistendedPendulousFrenulum, Emily Litella, fishbicycle, freckafree, Gail*, Gary “Wombat” Robson, Kilvert’s Pagan, Mean Mr. Mustard, Qadgop theMercotan, Rico, Satchmo, Spectre of Pithecanthropus, Tinkertoy, VernWinterbottom

<<<< 1952: Archergal, jerseymule, rbroome, RealityChuck

<<<< 1957: BobLibDem, CateAyo, Cheez_Whia, Czarcasm (slythe), DfrntBreign, Encinitas, Frank, gardentraveler, jali, Julius Henry, kapri, kittenblue, Who_me?, ~Olive~

<<<< 1962: ASAKMOTSD, BACI, chela, eleanorigby, Enright3, h.sapiens, Leaffan, Le Ministre de l’au-delà, ming the merciless, Mrs. Cake, Onomatopoeia, ShibbOleth, Shoeless, Sunspace

<<<< 1961: 74westy, aruvqan, astorian, DrumBum, echo7tango, IaMoDiNaRy, InternetLegend, KAndre, Little Nemo, norinew*, notfrommensa, Procrustus, saje, SeldomSeen, Shayna, Snake Plissken, StGermain, tdn, VunderBob, Walkabout

see jerseymule above

No wonder I am not getting birthday cards!

Another 1956er.

And I have a nice lawn. All the youngsters are free to get on it, provided you bring beer. Lots of beer.


1962 for me.


<<<< 1957: CateAyo, Cheez_Whia, Czarcasm (slythe), DfrntBreign, Encinitas, Frank, gardentraveler, jali, Julius Henry, kapri, kittenblue, Who_me?, ~Olive~

<<<< 1956: BobLibDem, brachyrhynchos, Bumbershoot, Dallas Jones, Equipoise, JimOfAllTrades (RJKUgly), legalsnugs, LurkMeister, Mikkel, not what you’d expect, ouryL, Oy!, racer72, Sassy, Shodan, TriPolar, Yllaria

<<<< 1955: 3acresandatruck, Anaglyph, CalMeacham, Duck Duck Goose, jabiru, koeeoaddi, Oslo Ostragoth, osme, silenus, sinjin, terentii, thirdwarning

Speak for yourself! MY confetti is as firm as ever.


[staring at fresh confetti]Ummm…okay.[/staring at fresh confetti]

<<<< 1956: BobLibDem, brachyrhynchos, Bumbershoot, Dallas Jones, Equipoise, JimOfAllTrades (RJKUgly), legalsnugs, LurkMeister, Mikkel, not what you’d expect, ouryL, Oy!, racer72, Sassy, shiftless, Shodan, TriPolar, Yllaria

<<<< 1962: ASAKMOTSD, BACI, BigDadWolf, chela, eleanorigby, Enright3, h.sapiens, Leaffan, Le Ministre de l’au-delà, mack, ming the merciless, Mrs. Cake, Onomatopoeia, ShibbOleth, Shoeless, Sunspace

1961 me.

<<<< 1961: 74westy, aruvqan, astorian, DrumBum, echo7tango, IaMoDiNaRy, InternetLegend, Jane Elliot, KAndre, Little Nemo, norinew*, notfrommensa, Procrustus, saje, SeldomSeen, Shayna, Snake Plissken, StGermain, tdn, VunderBob, Walkabout

You may lump me in with the 1962 crowd.

Vintage '52.

<<<< 1962: ASAKMOTSD, BACI, BigDadWolf, chela, eleanorigby, Enright3, h.sapiens, Leaffan, Le Ministre de l’au-delà, mack, ming the merciless, Mrs. Cake, Onomatopoeia, ShibbOleth, Shinna Minna Ma, Shoeless, Sunspace

<<<< 1952: Archergal, jerseymule, rbroome, RealityChuck, Twoflower

I never replied to any of those posts?!?

1960 = me

<<<< 1960: 11811, Baldwin, Brynda, Dinsdale, enipla, Flander, Gagundathar, Jasper Kent, JBDivmstr, kambuckta, KayElCee, kiz, Malacandra, Monstera deliciosa, NinetyWt, norinew*, PapSett, Right-Wing Atheist, runner pat, Spoons, Sunglasses, tallcoldone, Wile E, xtisme, zoogirl

You’re not by yourself in letting those polls and queries about age and birth year and such pass on by. The graphs in some of the threads paint a similar picture of the overall age distribution at SDMB but the latest flurry of them asking for specifics have had pretty good responses.

At the very least you can see that your age group is well represented.

Thanks for pitching in. :slight_smile:

I think it’s just one of those things where I’ve seen them, but for some reason they just go over my head. Maybe it’s an age thing :stuck_out_tongue:

IMHO factoid: Out of all the message boards/forums I’ve been in as well as the remaining few I’m still in, the Dope probably has the largest population of “older” members. There really is a generational difference out there, and seeing them in action is quite an education…

I’m just over the limit, will this be adjusted over the years?


You have me down for 1957. It should be 1956.