Dopers born before 1964 -- Master List

There’s a good chance that the same question will keep popping up in one form or another as it has for at least the past 10 years or more. If the issue in a new thread is age then the results will shift as we age more. But if it’s a Year-of-Birth approach, the different results (if any) will probably be due to a changing appeal of the board to other age groups than those active nowadays.

And then there’a always the issue of whether people share that information in any detail. The abstainers, like the Lurkers, just hold most of the cards!

Since my own focus has been the older group(s) it might make for a neat project for some younger Dopers to zoom in for further details of the dominant age range, which I believe is the 35-55 group.

Easy enough to fix:

<<<< 1956: BobLibDem, brachyrhynchos, Bumbershoot, Dallas Jones, Encinitas, Equipoise, JimOfAllTrades (RJKUgly), legalsnugs, LurkMeister, Mikkel,
not what you’d expect, ouryL, Oy!, racer72, Sassy, shiftless, Shodan, TriPolar, Yllaria

<<<< 1957: CateAyo, Cheez_Whia, Czarcasm (slythe), DfrntBreign, Frank, gardentraveler, jali, Julius Henry, kapri, kittenblue, Who_me?, ~Olive~

You can stick me in with the 1963 crowd.

Me, too.

That’d be my question.

Just curious, what does the *s in the OP mean? I couldn’t find any footnotes.

he really likes lists! :slight_smile:

<<<< 1963: artemis, Blue Mood, Bosda Di’Chi of Tricor, brujaja, Count Blucher, crowmanyclouds, Doctor Jackson, dwyr, Ellen Cherry, gravitycrash, hajario, Ice Wolf, lobotomyboy63, missred, Nametag, NoClueBoy, Noone Special, Perciful, sahirrnee, Sam Stone, scootergirl, Sunspace, Wallflower, WordMan

  • = deceased

I was born in 1960

I was born in 1960. December 27, to be exact!

My reply was in Post #18.

Very interesting. Put down for 1959.

1962 is my year.

<<<< 1960: 11811, Baldwin, beowulff, Brynda, Dinsdale, enipla, Flander, Gagundathar, gytalf2000, Jasper Kent, JBDivmstr, kambuckta, KayElCee, kiz, Malacandra, Monstera deliciosa, NinetyWt, norinew*, PapSett, Right-Wing Atheist, runner pat, Spoons, Sunglasses, tallcoldone, Wile E, xtisme, zoogirl

<<<< 1959: ajaye, Bin-Gay, BwanaBob, CanvasShoes, Hakuna Matata, Icarus, Johanna, Landshark, lieu, Mattie Blue, penultima thule, Quixie in Dixie, Ruby, seosamh, ShermanAter, SmartAleq, Sternvogel

<<<< 1962: ASAKMOTSD, BACI, BigDadWolf, chela, eleanorigby, Enright3, h.sapiens, Leaffan, Le Ministre de l’au-delà, mack, ming the merciless, Mrs. Cake, nonacetone, Onomatopoeia, ShibbOleth, Shinna Minna Ma, Shoeless, Sunspace

Born way before 1964, but not going to be specific.

April, 1960. My uncle used to call me “The Great Deduction”

I didn’t leave my birthdate out of my profile on purpose, I just forgot I never entered it. It’s there now.

I was born in 1962.