Dopers who have worked on a telephone crisis or advice line: Ever get a call from someone you knew?

I’ve never done that kind of work, but I’m curious.

Since this is more of an informal poll than a factual question, let’s move it to IMHO (from FQ).

No, never. If there is any reason for concern about this, there are procedures to handle it both in terms of confidentiality and in terms of providing another counselor if desired.

I was a crisis intervention counselor for several years. Never encountered anyone I knew. If I had, I’d hand it over to another counselor.

I never did, in any of several crisis phone line support roles, but I was in the opposite side of that situation once. I knew a musician who’d played drum in a band, and then was assigned to him as counselor in a walk-in counseling facility in Albuquerque, and after a little while recognized him and asked.

We hadn’t been close friends or anything and he didn’t recuse himself. Wasn’t really an issue.