Dopers with A Prosthetic Hip: a Little Help, Please?

As I wrote in the mini-rants thread in the Pit, kaylasmom broke her hip a couple of weeks ago; she underwent a bipolar prosthetic hip installation on June 4.

We got her a walker and a portable commode/chair for getting around the apartment, and now we want to see about getting her somewhat further afield (even if only so I can drive her to the surgeon’s office next week to have the staples removed).

My vehicle is a Ford Windstar. There’s no question of getting her into the front passenger seat, but the rear seats have captain’s chairs, so I’ve got that going for me. There’s also no question of installing a lift, btw. I do have plenty of room in the back to carry her walker and any stepping-type device we obtain.

So my question is: what kind of device should I obtain to allow her to step up into and down out of the van? We have motorized sliding doors on both sides, and her prosthetic hip is on the left. Should I use the left-side door or the right-side?

Thanks in advance for any assistance. Mods, this doesn’t strike me as a particularly general question, but maybe it would be happier in IMHO. If this isn’t the appropriate forum, please move as your judgement dictates.

My grandmother had hers done a couple of years ago. My dad went up to assist and they used his SUV for transport rather than my grandfather’s car. They felt it was easier for her to get out of than a sedan. I think all they used was a small step stool to assist with getting her in and out.

My grandmother recovered very quickly. She is a very spry 83 and was determined to get back out onto the golf course.

I had crutches for a week and a cane for a while after that.

She should be able to get into the back seat using the walker and a step stool. From my experience, I would say have her try to get in through the right door. Get the (bad) hip inside and maybe even use a sliding board for the rest. I had both my hips done (2 years apart) and I always got into bed or a chair with my bad hip first. Tell her it gets better. So nice when the staples come out. Send me a private message if you have any other questions. Best of luck.