DopeStock '04

How can there be a Captain without a Spock? But… Do you feel comfortable being called Mister? :smiley:

Regarding the nanner pudding judging: I just talked to some of the nurses in the ER, and they suggest the following: Number each entry on the front of an ordinary aluminum thingie filled with the pudding (so they all look alike) and let everyone partake of each sample and then drop a “ballot” into a box, and at the end count and see what number got the most votes and piss on a gopher, there’s your winner!

How’s that sound?



Heh! Miss Spock if you’re nasty!!!

No, I can handle that list. Solo is my friend.

earthpuppy, have you had a chance to go check out the grill?

Yesterday was a beautiful day so hubby and I rode the Harley out to Red Top Mountain State Park. I checked out the picnic shelter. It was being used so I couldn’t get real close (I didn’t want the picnicers to think I was some kinda crazy person trying to crash their get-together.) It has 4 picnic tables and 2 grills (side by side). So we probably won’t need to bring a big honkin’ grill. I think each grill will take a 10 lb. bag of charcoal. Quasi, BE SURE TO BRING a couple of HEAVY DUTY wire grill brushes to scrape the grates once we get them good and hot.

NinetyWt, the next exit north on 75 (Cartersville) is only a couple of miles, and hubby says there’s a Kroger and a liquor store (if anyone is interested!, but, of course, the liquor store won’t be open on Sunday) just a couple of miles west once you exit. So we won’t have to travel far to get stuff. Do you know which cabin you’ll be in yet?

Quasi, I think your idea for the “blind” nanner puddin’ judging is great! That way we all get to vote. Once we know how many entries there’ll be, someone needs to bring the “containers” to put the entries in, and stick-on labels to identify them (torie can be the one to check in the entries–write the persons name down and which number she assigns to their submission.) I slready have one idea for acknowledging the winner, but I’m keeping that a secret for now.

p.s. I hope the guy with the boiled peanut cart that’s on my way there will be set up in his usual place that day-think positive peanut thoughts!

earthpuppy! Gotcha. I will be sure to bring plenty of charcoal and the brushes as well. I can also bring the aluminum containers for the nanner puddin’ judging if y’all want!

Are we gonna have ourselves a LARGE time or what???

Somebody please bring Atlanta Rhythm Section’s Greatest Hits, Some Lynyrd and some B-52’s! Charlie Daniels and Hank Jr. wouldn’t be bad either!

The South’s gonna rise again!


Entschuldigung. Ich habe mein mind kurz verloren!



Honey, if I get to see you, your hubby and all the other Dopers that weekend, you can forget about the peanuts. My day (weekend) will have been made!

(Of course, Aquasunset’s presence will enhance that whole weekend a thousand-fold!) :D:D:D


Unfortunately, hubby probably won’t be joining us. His band is playing up in Gainesville that weekend. He might venture up to Red Top Mt. later on Sunday afternoon if his curiosity about all these SDMB folks I’ve been talking about gets the better of him! We’ll see…but you can count on me for as much of the frolicking as I can stand that weekend! :smiley:

No. I expect that I can call a week or two ahead and find out. I’ll prolly make a SDMB banner or something so that y’all can find us.

BTW - we could boil our own peanuts. Couldn’t we?

Sure we could. I have a great big stock pot…I’ve just never done it myself. Does your cabin have a stove? If someone has one of those propane cookers like you use to do a low country boil, we can do it right outside.

Or we could use a crockpot…just won’t have as many.

I’m overdue to buy a new Coleman stove. This may be just the impetus I need to buy a new one, so I can bring it to Dopestock '04.

(Proviso: I have to have $$ left after I pay my credit card bills with the money from this temp gig I’ve got right now.)

I dug up two old B52’s cassettes that I’ve had since 1980…but I don’t have anything newer (no “Love Shack”)

Rock Lobster will suffice! :slight_smile:

Y’all don’t forget the Creedence Clearwater Revival Music!! :cool:

And didn’t someone mention shrimp?

Shrimp on the barbie, Dude!

3 hundred 65 DEGREES!

“Burnin’ Down The House!”



Late checkin here. I will be able to make the Fest with my kids in tow. Will there be any kids around 10 for my daughter to socialize with or should I let her bring a friend?
I can bring some B-52’s (Party Mix) and other assorted cds and a boombox.

Okay, anyone else bringing any mini-dopers?


I can bring a dog. Would that help? :stuck_out_tongue:

From the Red Top Mt. website:

Cool. I do that anyway. But if I want to pay attention to people, I should probably leave the dog at home.

[small hijack]
We took Sasha swimming for the first time up at Red Top Mtn. She was just a few months old, and I was wading out into the lake up to my butt, calling her to me.

She never looked back. She always loved the water.
[/small hijack]

So I have to keep the kids on a leash?