Double Doggie Tribute!

I am bursting with this news and can’t get hold of anyone who would care! So I’m telling you folks.

For several years the Workman 365 Puppies a Year calendar has graced our fridge. Each year we’d get the new one and skim through to see how many springers were featured – always not nearly enough.

Well, last year we had a puppy of our own to enter in the contest – the sweet and charming Miss Phyllis. Today I was thrilled (although not terribly surprised, as she IS terminally cute) to find out that SHE WON! Yes, the adorable Miss Phyllis is featured in the 2002 calendar. They even sent me a free calendar.

But that’s not even the best part. The day they chose for her? July 11 – which is the birthday of her predecessor, the late great springer spaniel Miss Emily Kimberly, who we loved to pieces. They couldn’t have picked a more meaningful date.

This is the happiest I’ve been since I don’t know when.

OK, there’s my mundane and pointless little bit of good news. Return to your business!

(I can’t wait for Mr. S to get home – he’ll flip!)

Not a thread about me. :frowning:

Congratulations to Miss Phyllis! I’ve never had a springer, but two of my former bosses do, and they just love 'em to pieces. They must be special!

I was very proud when I was notified that two of our JC’s pictures were selected for this year’s Celebrating Greyhounds calendar, which is printed by a non-profit organization and sold to raise money to assist in the care and placement of racing Greyhounds after they are retired. It’s a beautiful calendar, and thousands of pictures are submitted every year.

Will the picture of Miss Phyllis be available electronically so that we may all admire it?

congrats on your new media superstar!! i’ll bet she’s a real cutie pie!!

you have a grey named JC who is appearing in the CG calendar? i’ll have to look for him this year. we have a retired racer, and we get the calendar every year. congrats to you, too. snuggle that hound for me!!


JC is in this year’s calendar - I think the months he is on are March and September (not sure because I am at work and the calendar is at home). One picture is of him peeking out the front window at our old house and the other is a close-up head shot. He’s a light red brindle. I’m really glad he got his picture in, because he has cancer now and I’m not sure how much longer he’ll be with us :(.

Maybe we should start a Doper Pets Page - then again, maybe that would be just too much cuteness all in one place ;).

i’ll have to look for him. so sorry about the cancer. how old is he? how long have you had him? we’ve had archie for 3 1/2 years, he’s almost 8. i don’t know what i’d do if he got sick. i’ve lost a pet every year for the last 3 years. first our hedgehog, spiny norman, got sick and died very mysteriously. the year after that, my little chihuahua/rat terrier mix, cujo, went completely blind, lost all bladder control and started biting everybody who came near him, so we finally had to put him to sleep. last year, my sweet old lady kitty went into respiratory failure and had to be put to sleep. i hope you have many, many more years with JC. it never feels like you got enough. and greys are so very special, and so loving, you feel like you want them to never even age! archie is black, and has just started to get a grey mask, and it breaks mr. zoot’s heart to see it. he says, “he’s never gonna get old, i won’t allow it”.

and i think a doper pets page would be a great idea. sadly, i don’t have a scanner, so i wouldn’t be able to post any pictures of my critters. but that’s ok, i can talk about them until the cows come home!:smiley:

beagledave: OK, just for you, a salute from Buster, the Incredibly Fat Beagle! (No really, he’s right on the border for wormer doses and we have to weigh him every month – is he over or under 50# this time?)

romansperson: Congrats to JC! Two pictures – wow!Now you have a treasured memento.

Yeah, springers are lovers and pleasers, and very devoted and loyal. The very worst punishment Mr. S could inflict on Miss Emily was to speak harshly to her. It was worse than a slap. Oh, how she would beg for forgiveness (and of course receive it!).

I think when you buy some Workman calendars you get a code or something so you can download the calendar for your desktop, but other than that I don’t know of online sources. I used to have a REALLY lame Web page with a picture of Phyllis on it, but my ISP had a hardware failure and lost it, and I haven’t had the time (or inclination, frankly) to redo it. Maybe this is the kick I needed!

naughty: Damn, wish my page were up! Yeah, everybody thinks their dog is the cutest, but I think I’d consider Phyllis pretty darn cute even if she weren’t mine. Springers are cute anyway, but Miss P has an asymmetrical face (half liver, half white), rare in springers, that just makes her, well, the It Dog. To think we picked her out over the phone! (She was the only surviving female in the litter.)


Yes, definitely, we need to see the picture of Miss Phyllis if you can manage it, and Miss Emily too! They sound absolutely lovely.


JC is 10 and we’ve had him for 8 years. He has bone cancer, and he’s been treated, but it always comes back sooner or later. I would be thrilled if he makes it to his 11th birthday. He’s doing very well, really, much better than I would be if I were in his position. Last year was the really bad year for us - we lost our chinchilla, Gus, in August, another greyhound, Rob Roy, in November (he was 12), and then a month later we found out JC had cancer, so I know what you mean about losing your pets. A real shame they don’t live longer … but as much as it hurts to lose them, they make our lives so much better when they are with us.

Heh, we should have a contest for the cutest Doper pet!