Doughboys, dogfaces, grunts, legs...

All jargon for U.S.A. infantry soldiers from past eras. What’s the current jargon? Has it changed since the Gulf War?

The current British term is “squaddies”, in a derogatory tone of voice.

Thanks for that input, Crusoe. I wonder if anyone on the workday crew knows the answer for American GIs.

“Grunt” still works. “Leg” is a derisive term for non-Airborne troops, not specifically infantry (the Ops officer in my current battalion takes great glee in pointing out that his wife is Airborne qualified, since he would never marry a Leg).

Thanks stankow. I wasn’t too clear on “leg,” but I now realize that the only person I’ve seen use it is ex-Airborne.

“Jarhead” is still both a loving and derogatory name. (Marine)

“Squid” is tirelessly continuing. (sailor)

“Wrap-legged-dog-faced-doughboy” seems to have fallen out of favor. (soldier)

“Flyboy” may still be kosher (airman) for the United States Air Force Corporation.

UncleBill, disabuse me of my ignorance if you will, but I had the impression that “squid” referred specifically to submariners.

Marines: Jar Head
Navy: I always though “seaman” was mean enough
Army: Bullet Stoppers
Chair Force: Fly boys and Propellor head

“Squid” refers to sailors in general; submariners are called “bubbleheads.”

I have also heard “ground-pounders” for Army and “zoomies” for Air Force .

“Ground-pounders” I’d heard, “bubbleheads” I had not. Thanks, Rock-Goddess.

Medics are still “Doc.”

Air Force Personell I have heard derogatorily referred to as F.L.A.P.s, The last three letters being 'Lazy Air-Force People.

I forget what the ‘F’ stood for…

Heh, heh…