Dr. Dino's $250,000 challenge!

Dr. Dino, better known as Kent Hovind, has offered $250,000 to anyone who can:

However, it would be an understatement to say that the deck is stacked against any claimants because he does not limit it to biological evolution but also the evolution of, well, everything else!

So, who wants to take him up on his offer? He wants nothing less than direct, empirical evidence of the Big Bang just to satisfy #1. And even if you show him Hubble Space Telescope photos of solar systems developing (to satisfy #2), I bet he’d say, “That’s not proof that OUR solar system formed that way. Even if it had, there is no proof that it was not directed by God.”

I’m sure he’d find some way of weaseling out of his promise.

Check the archives.

Here someone tried to take him up on the challenge.

It seems Mr. Dino has already stacked the deck against any rationale argument, since #1,#2 & #3 have nothing to do with evolution, #4 involves anthropomorphisizing early life forms, and #5 gets how evolution operates completely wrong.

So, Mr. Dino can rest comfortably, knowing that no-one can prove evolution to his satisfaction.

Doesn’t change the fact that he’s a quack, though.

Oh, I didn’t know that. I don’t normally hang around Dr. Dino’s site, but I was there today and I couldn’t remember seeing that challenge before, so I thought it was new, so I decided to post it here.

Still, this might stimulate another C. vs E. debate.

Not to dis ya, jab, but it does say right there at the top of the page “formerly $10,000, offered since 1990” :slight_smile:

That is not the only way that the deck is stacked against claimants. Just look at the phrasing, “Prove beyond a reasonable doubt that evolution is the only possible way…” I am perfectly willing to admit that one can never prove any such thing. That is not how science proceeds. The whole idea behind science is that theories must be falsifiable and a theory gains credence when it is falsifiable and yet survives many “attempts” to falsify it. However, it is never proven to be true.

After all, the counter claim that God created the Universe and then put all the fossils around, etc. to test our faith can never be shown not to be a possibility. This is precisely why it is not science.

How come he can only pony up $250,000? James Randi offers $1,000,000 to anyone who can reproducibly perform a “paranormal” act without fudging. His criteria seem far more reasonable than Dr. Dino’s, too. See it for yourself at http://www.randi.org/research/challenge.html if you don’t believe me.

Hell, I’ll offer $100,000,000,000 (thank you Dr. Evil) to anyone who can prove beyond any reasonable doubt that God created the universe, and that only God could have created the universe. Why not? It’s as impossible to prove as Dr. Dino.'s contest.


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – Hovind is an idiot. Anyone who takes him seriously isn’t properly exercising their grey matter.

Dr. Dino is a Big Phony

(And since the above link looks like a Chick tract, it must be a serious, well-reasoned social commentary. :wink: )

That thread is more than 90 days old. How’d you find it? The board was so slow yesterday, it took me five minutes just to go to the next page of topics in the GD forum.

Didn’t you know that I have superhuman hacking abilities? And a photographic memory? This, combined with the sentient A.I. computer program I devised allow me to do anything! ANYTHING!!!

Or it could be that I recalled a thread less than 90 days old where I had posted a link to the thread in question…

quixotic78 says:

Hey, quix,I’m running a litle short on funds right now; could you let me have the use of two, no, four million of those dollars? I promise you’ll have all of it back by the time you need to make the payout. :smiley:

See also Kent Hovind’s Challenge to Evolutionists.

Other sites in re Hovind:

Analysis of Kent Hovind
Buddika’s 300 Creationist Lies Index
How Good Are Those Young-Earth Arguments?
Kent Hovind’s Discussion of DNA
Unmasking the False Prophet of Creationism
The Wild, Wild World of Kent Hovind
Creationist Frauds