Has anyone used drawing salve/black salve for acne? I’m in my late 30s and I still get acne. My mom swears that black salve was what my grandfather always used and that it was the best thing for it. However, I’m always skeptical of “natural” remedies. Anybody have any experience with this stuff?
Never heard of it being used for acne. It works well on boils, as that is its target use.
There was another thread recently about black salve (I’d never heard of it before) that just about scared the bejebus out of me. I personally wouldn’t use the stuff. I’d rather have my adult acne. I can’t find the original thread, but I did Google the term and found the link that was in the thread that made me decide no way in hell would I ever consider something like that – be warned, there are very graphic pictures of people who used black salve – link.
Litoris first thing I did was look on Quackwatch (love that site), but it just seems that those are likely very isolated incidents. Of course, who wants to be that 1/100th of a percent, right?
I highly doubt that I’m going to use it, but I’m still curious if anyone has used it and hasn’t had their face melted off.
Before I posted, I looked for a thread on this, but I didn’t see one. Do you happen to know any other details of that thread?
I really don’t remember what it was all about – I just remember the picture of the chick with her face melted off and that it was about black salve. I did a search, but didn’t see the one I remember. I seem to recall that the thread was actually about black salve that the link I gave was in the OP. Honestly, I don’t really recall much else. I am usually all about home remedies, but in this case – no way in HELL I would risk it.
I would also like to know this. Does anyone tried this for acne, cystic acne, bed bug bites etc and can give their experience?
I use black salve and it works pretty good on minor things.
Then again, I’m not retarded enough to try to cure cancer with it. Oh and as for quackwatch, black salve and corrosive salve are not even close to the same thing.
Black salve is Ichthammol. (And is not the caustic remove-your-face quack-cure-for-cancer salve.)
Threads mentioning it are:
How To Remove Micro Splinters from Your Hands?
C’mon, pustules NEVER burst on their own.
I don’t believe the salve melted her face looks more like an infection that spread.
Some “black salve” is a coal tar mixture. It was used in the '70s for lots of skin conditions, including acne. It was effective in some people, however, it’s been found to be a carcinogen, and is no longer used on humans.
I would recommend a trip to the dermatologist for acne. I’m in my 50s and still have acne troubles from time to time, and I find a tripntobtge dermatologist to be highly effective.
Hey. I found out what “black salve” the article was talking about. Cansema.
Does this work for those cystic pimples on around the jawline? I purchased it from amazon.com but now im having second thoughts about using it as i seen some very scary stories though im not sure if those are real or not.
Black salve and drawing salve are not the same things, although sometimes people will refer to drawing salve (coal tar salve) as “black salve.”
Black salve, the alt-medicine/quackery/woo cancer treatment crap, contains bloodroot, which can be caustic to the skin. Drawing salve contains ichthammol. It doesn’t really “draw” things out of the skin, I’ve read, but softens the skin so that the body’s own defense mechanisms can “push” the embedded material out.
Make sure you use the right one if you’re going to try it.
Okay. Im talking about ichthammol. Thats the name of what i have now and its 20 percent. Should i use this on the cystic pimple?