Dream Park Project

Back in the 80’s, there was a novel out called Dream Park, which, to make description easy on the rest of you revolved around an amusment park much like the Star Trek:NG holo-deck, but with more actors and physical props. You acted out a game as a wizard, fighter, etc, etc and got points and all that.

So, anyway, not long after the book came out and gained a little cult following, I started seeing ads in the back of gaming magazines from the Dream Park Project who claimed to be “working to make Dream Park a reality.” It’s been over ten years now, and I don’t think DisneyLand has much to worry about. Does anyone know what happened to these people? Was it a bona fide effort? A search for Dream Park and IFGS (you’d have to read it) turned up a collection of live role playing sites, but that’s a pretty far cry from what was presented in the novel and anyway, live action RP is nothing too innovative.

Anyone have any additional information to share?

“I guess it is possible for one person to make a difference, although most of the time they probably shouldn’t.”

      • “Who needs them anyway! I’ll build my own dream park! With holo-decks! And hookers! And cards! . . . . ahhh, forget the holo-decks.” - Bender, Futurama

They tried to make it a reality, but Yul Brenner got a little too wrapped up in his gunfighter roll and shot the place up.

Thanks for the laugh at least, MC :slight_smile:

“I guess it is possible for one person to make a difference, although most of the time they probably shouldn’t.”