Blasphemous? Yes. Morally reprehensible? Maybe. Funny? Hell yes.
You’re not very smart thinking you’re being funny angering God…I hope you see the Light some day and beg for your forgiveness.
The only one laughing here is Satan…AT YOU.
Forgive me lord, for I have giggled…
I’m sorta hoping that the Big Cheese has a sense of humour. Really, I do.
Hope your desk is padded. Wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself with that knee jerking around like that.
Aes, that is funny.
Not going to happen. I’m a very happy heathen… sorry.
Oh no I think more people than Satan are laughing.
You’re not very funny with that stick up your ass anyway.
“…thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”
Psalm 23:4
Forgive me, Jesus-- I think it’s funny too. Thanks, Aesiron.
I like the pink bunny slippers, been looking for a pair like that.
Dabronx, do you think Satan has a better sense of humour than Jesus?
I’d be interested in your take on the question.
Forgive me, but wasn’t this a Weird Earl from quite awhile ago? I seem to remember this from somewhere on line.
Obligatory insert of nasal spewage of Rosemont Estate Bottled Merlot (Vintage 2000). Viva la Paper Towel.