Drinking Coffee Makes Teachers Into Witches.

New catch phrase for the Coffee Producers Board:

COFFEE. 50 million witches can’t be wrong.

Interesting to find not a lot of Starbucks near Monroe, UT.

However, Salt Lake City pulls up 13 locations.

That’s for all the heathen tourists. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not that it’s 100% relevant (let’s ballpark it at 60-75%), but recently finished Under The Banner of God by John (Jon?) Krakauer.

Great book, firstly. Secondly, it takes a hard look at Mormonism (historical and present), and focuses on the insular/xenophobic leanings of the religion.

I can’t vouch for Krakauer’s neutrality on this subject, but based upon this book (and only this book), I was led to believe the origin of the Mormon faith is on a par with Scientology and the Nation of Islam. John Smith was certainly portrayed as a huckster, and the first members of the sect as credulous ninnies.

Not all Mormons are Osmonds, and not all those who wander are lost.


John Smith? Your fact checking is about as good as the school board.

Oops. That would imply that I fact-checked. I blame my squishy, delicious brain.

JOEseph Smith, that is. :smack:

Cool! How much coffee do I have to drink to be able to do that?

If you drink decaf, what does that make you? One of those half-witches like Samantha and Darren Steven’s kids? (Tabitha and Adam, IIRC)

Did they have half Samatha’s powers? Or is the witch gene fully dominant, and they had all the powers of a witch? I think the latter.

My guess would be that it makes you a Squib.

Lotsa non-LDS caffeine fiends in the Intermountain West, too. It’s a loooopng drive to the next big city.
True coffee and tea aficionados in SLC don’t go to that upstart import that is Starbucks. They go to the Salt Lake Roasting Company:


Assuming you’re talking about Hieronymous Bosch, I’m in. As long as I get to be in the middle panel of the Garden of Earthly Delights.

It would make me a small charge used in movies to create the special effect of a bullet impact?

It would make you one of 2 or 3 people, outside of religious idiots who will believe anything they are told, who haven’t read Harry Potter.

So, what, was she performing the Ritual of the Caffienated Cross every morning instead of pledging allegiance to the flag?

“Mooo-ooom! Jimmy’s questioning his beliefs again!”
“Jimmy, for the last time, get in your room and stare blankly at the wall and don’t you come out until I tell you!”

And I’m the other one.

I especially like that the state dropped out of representing the school district. This speaks volumes:

On second look, it seems she’s already sueing. Never mind.


Considering the thread subject, I read the last sentence as, “I think the latte.”

IIRC, Tabitha had powers, and Adam didn’t.


‘Impact has been used as a verb since 1601, when it meant “to fix or pack in,” and its modern, figurative use dates from 1935.’

Yep, these young whippersnappers sure are weirding the English language.

What I hate about Salt Lake City is how pasty my skin looks when I go there, and how faded all the colors seem…almost like it’s in black & white.

And the way the books in the library have nothing printed on the pages.

I do like Brewvies, though.


Oh my God… are we in that episode?