Driving ranty-rants

There is nothing in the least polite about not taking your turn at a four-way stop. In less time than it takes for you to motion the car on your left to go first, you AND that car could have been through the intersection, to say nothing of all the people behind both of you, who you were not even trying to be polite to. Same deal when you have the guy coming at you turn left. Also, yielding to the car on the right allows you to start forward while that car is still in the intersection, you really can at least take your foot off the brake before he arrives at the next stop sign.

But y’know, the root of the problem is too many damned four-way stops. Build the damn traffic circles and the idiots will eventually either learn how to use them or eliminate themselves from the gene pool. I swear that traffic engineering departments must be staffed by those too brain damaged to drool on themselves properly.

And a special place in hell for the moron who actually did design in a traffic circle, but put stop signs at all the entrances, making this the worst of all possible worlds. No, I am not kidding:

Note that google street view managed to catch TWO cars stopping for no good reason at all.

I’ll agree, with the caveat that driving really fast toward the stop sign so that you’re “technically” the first one to reach it doesn’t count. The first person to stop at the stop sign has the right-of-way, not some douche who can’t actually stop because he’s going so fast, and he tries to do a “slow and go” to take the right-of-way.

“When driving, be predictable, not polite”.

And, if you are camped in the left lane, and a faster car comes up behind you, and flashes their lights at you, don’t become an even bigger asshat. They’re asking you to move the frak over, not impugning your parentage or masculinity.

QFT. All that’s needed is “Yield” or “Give Way” signs. If the roundabout is not safe with those signs, then it should be redesigned.

And I wish they’d have a few more roundabouts near where I live: the traffic flow would be greatly improved at some intersections in my neighbourhood where there’s plenty of land for a decent roundabout.

And what should I do every week when I drive my 6’ diameter table over to my buddies house so we can all play DnD? Rent a U-Haul every week? I’ll do that on two conditions. You buy me a new car and pay for the U-Haul every week. Oh also I go camping about ten times a year so you’ll need to rent me a U-Haul for that too.

Buy your friend a table? Because I’ve gotten through most of my life without an SUV. I am not saying you don’t use it, I am just saying, one can live their life without it.

And the people, who when making a left turn feel they have to basically stop in the intersection before completing the turn, I suppose to leave those same 5 car lengths between them and the people in front of them. Same result - fewer people get through than can.
At the turn near me they also stop before turning right into the gas station at the corner, making the situation even worse.

Back up? On a freeway? In a snowstorm?
You should pit the first driver for not giving that asshole the Darwin Award he so richly deserves.

Also, people who come to a dead stop to go over a speed bump. Yeah, they’re there to keep the speeds down, but come on - my Corolla can handle a speed bump at 15 kph (the speed limit in most parking lots) - I’m pretty sure your Behemothmobile can handle it, too.

Also, when you’re waiting to make a left turn and have an advance green, PAY ATTENTION! If we all start going when the light turns green instead of getting around to noticing, we can get three or four more cars through (and when I’m the one who didn’t get through because you couldn’t get your thumb out of your bum in time, I’m not impressed).

Some of those aggressive drivers weren’t aggressive until they were forced to wait for idiots doing stupid things a million or so times.

Four-way stops drive me crazy; the thing to do here is to not stop, therefore you get right-of-way (people don’t even slow down if they’re making a right turn at a four-way stop these days).

On an left turn arrow - sure, I agree. On a free left turn, I certainly stop if the van or SUV or truck in front of me has blocked my view of oncoming traffic. You may get as annoyed as your little heart desires; I will still wait until I’m certain it’s safe.