According to recent research, a person’s alcohol (or other drug) tolerance depends on situation and circumstance in which he or she drinks. The central nervous system compensates by speeding up prior to drinking, in anticipation of the depressant effects of alcohol. When someone drinks in a new or unfamiliar environment, the body has not prepared as well to compensate for the effects of alcohol because it is not “aware” that alcohol will be ingested. So, the implications are that a student who drinks 5 shots back home in India may be fine, but when he comes here and has 5 shots, he gets sick. Also relevant f
sorry meant to write this:
According to this research, a person’s alcohol (or other drug) tolerance depends heavily on the familiar situations and circumstancse in which he or she drinks or uses. The central nervous system compensates by speeding up prior to drinking, in anticipation of the depressant effects of alcohol (or slows down prior to stimulant usage). When someone drinks in a new or unfamiliar environment, the body has not prepared as well to compensate for the effects of alcohol because it is not “aware” that alcohol will be ingested, so this person may be more likely to get sick or be more intoxicated. Related research suggests that many heroin overdoses are not actually overdoses because the person has not used an atypically high amount. Instead, the change of context or circumstance of using is what leads to a fatal reaction as the body hasn’t prepared adequately for the drug. Kind of shocked that I haven’t heard of this before, seems like it would be fairly revolutionary in the world of alcohol and drug treatment…