My brother sent me a link to this article. I thought it was interesting, especially these statements:
Zebra finches don’t sing, they beep. I used to have a bunch and I would always “beep” at them and they’d all “beep” back. I never tried to get them drunk, guess I missed out on some slurred beeping.
Had a black mask lovebird who got into some whiskey once by accident (we do NOT endorse getting pets drunk!). Yep, he “tolerated” it and was “willing” to consume it. In fact, protested our removal of him from its presence.
Smart animal, though - he didn’t attempt to drive, fly, or text while inebriated, and after the next day’s hangover never touched anything but plain water again. Smarter than a lot of humans I’ve known.
Watching him stagger up a rope ladder to his perch was sort of interesting.
Birds seem to like strong tasting stuff so it doesn’t surprise me that researcher could persuade them to try strong drink.
Sounds like a wise, responsible bird.
Here is a link with more info- and audio clips of the slurring birds.
When I drink, I sing the wrong lyrics to songs. This is especially egregious when* “Girl with Far-away Eyes”* comes on the sound system.
Oh, no way!! I can’t believe I’m reading that thread title!!
You see, when I was little, we had a pyracantha bush at my house. My mom always told me that the birds would eat the berries, and then get drunk.
Flash forward to me all grown up with a little son of my own. I told him the same thing about those berries and birds, and – bless his heart – he used to throw the berries to birds, you know, so they could have a good time on a Friday night or whatever.
And then we developed this whole thing about birds drunk on pyracantha berries, and how they would stumble down the street wing in wing, singing “Show Me The Way To Go Home,” all slurring the words and everything.
Ha ha! This is awesome! I must show this to him! (He has just reached the age of pyracantha-berry-imbibing himself now.)
The thread title made me think of a Carpenters song.
Why do birds suddenly appear, slurring songs and hiccuping?
Just like me, they long to be stinking drunk.
Why do birds fall down from the sky, ev’ry time you walk by?
It’s 'cause you’re feeding them booze, you skunk.
That would explain the song my mother once heard about robins flying south in dirty underwear.