I can’t be sure, but I do believe a detect a whoosh…
Who’s naughty on this plane? This guy!
Sounds like you were flying with Cooper.
Every time I get on a plane I try to just accept the fact that it will be a torture session specially designed by sadistic psychologists and reality television-inspired comedians to make it as preposterous and horrifying of an experience as possible. That way, I’m never disappointed.
Also, did you try the “I’m asleep” pose? It is especially effective if you use it in the middle of the unwanted person’s babbling.
I was thinking Shagnasty’s post must be a joke too. No one could SERIOUSLY think the OP hated the guy because he was ‘overeating’, and had nothing to do with the fact the guy was being a jerk. Well, no one who wasn’t a complete idiot anyway…
I flew from Korea to Seatle across the aisle from two of the guys you are describing. The stewardess had to get the captain to come back and threaten them to get them to shut up. I don’t know what was said, but it was effective.
Too bad you didn’t have a quaalude handy. That with all the vodka would have monkeywrenched his motormouth toot sweet.
Don’t you folks realize that this is one of those situations described by that nice Mr. Ridge at Homeland Security? If the OP had been properly vigilant against terrorism, he’d have whipped out his personal supply of duct tape, and taped Mr. Chicken Wing Blabby Vodka Besotted Fucktard’s mouth shut, as well as securing his appendages to the aircraft seat frame. Problem solved.