Duct Tape Bushes Head, Shackle him to the floor, shit on his flag and freeze the Cunt

First force him to grow a beard then do the above.

“On several occasions witnesses saw detainees in interrogation rooms chained hand and foot in fetal position to floor with no chair/food/water; most urinated or defecated on selves and were left there 18, 24 hours or more,” according to one FBI account made public.

One FBI witness saw a detainee “shaking with cold,” while another noted a detainee in a sweltering unventilated room was “almost unconscious on a floor with a pile of hair next to him (he had apparently been pulling it out through the night).”

Another witness saw a detainee “with a full beard whose head was wrapped in duct tape.”

One FBI statement said that an interrogator squatted over the Quran and that a German shepherd dog was ordered to “growl, bark and show his teeth to the prisoner.”

And Rumsfeld too.

The dog showed Rumsfeld to the detainee?

Better dust off the chairs at Nuremburg.

Ho Ho.

I think I’d feel pretty lucky if I was the one that had to endure being draped in the Israeli flag.

Only another cunt would pick the least offensive of all these treatemnts and make light of it.

SOmething tells me you are in defensive denial of the fact that these things went on.

Why do you want to freeze Ann Coulter?

Freeze dried, powdered, weaponized…lethal.

How do you “order” a dog to “growl, bark and show his teeth”? Sounds a little complicated.

Y’know, unless he’s one of those superintelligent dogs like Lassie or Krypto or the Littlest Hobo.

It’s a good thing that we’re not engaged in any sort of large-scale project that requires the goodwill of Muslims.

Best retort I’ve seen for a long time. :cool:

Train the dog to do so upon command, of course.

A beauty.

The truly bizzare part of this whole story is that we don’t use torture. (It’s a FACT) I know we don’t because my Vice President told me so. This must be some kind of weird Muslim bonding ritual or something. Who knows what the fuck those nutjobs do for entertainment. What with not having American Idol to watch and stuff.

Well, yeah, if you want to be LAZY about it. The real challenge is how to convey your orders to the dog in writing.

And also to be sure he destroys the orders afterward, because leaving a paper trail could embarrass the administration.

That’s easy, if it’s a pit bull. I mean, we all agree that they’re vicious dogs, right? Right?

You’ve never heard of a trained dog?

I guess you don’t get out much.

Actually, I’m in calm acceptance of the fact that these sorts of things have been going on since long before Washington stepped up to the plate and made the first executive decision. What appalls and disgusts me is when people are shocked to find out that, yes, people suck. No kidding? What was your first clue?

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This would be easy - just call it homework.

Now, now. Aggressive interrogation is not equivalent to torture.

What upsets me most is that the detainees were subjected to lap dances at tax-payers expense. That type of torture is damned expensive in New York.