Dude! Fear Factor is simply repugnant!

They’ll have to do something to beat the current stunts, eventually.

I am waiting for the day when they have people roaming a cow pasture, picking up freshly-laid cow dung, and eating it.

Or perhaps they’ll have the contestants eat and drink the contents of a Port-O-Let after hours of use at an outdoor concert.

Or perhaps they’ll eat the leftovers from a liposuction operation.

Maybe they can drink a cup of Raid insect repellant.

Sheesh, what the hell is left?

I’ve really lost interest in the show because of the heavy doses of the gross-out stuff. It reminds me of third grade, mixing up all your leftovers in your milk carton and trying to get some kid to eat it. I was a big fan of the rest of it, but I really don’t find that stuff interesting to watch.

New stunt/challege ideas: challenge participants to perform sex acts on one another. That I would watch.

I wouldn’t at all be surprised if there aren’t already some xxx video companies already putting things like that together.

The eating of gross shit is the reason I stopped watching the show. The thought of eating cow brains (this was used last time I watched) was just too much for me.

I agree with the overall grossness of the show, and eating raw or boiled cow brains would certainly be molto gross, however, calf brain fritters are yummy!!! I don’t have the recipe at hand, but it’s essentially boiled calf brains, flour, salt, seasonings, garlic, rolled up into a fluffy oval and deep fried.

Ugh. I can say no more.

The folks that competed when the show first started got off easy. Back then it was (usually) 3 physical stunts.

I think the cow snout and the partially developed duck eggs were the 2 worst things they’ve ever had contestants eat on the show.

Cow brains? Fuck that- they sell pig brains right in the canned food section of my local grocery. My stomach lurched when I saw it. Ghaaaaa!

I saw them eating slugs.

Live ones.

Big live ones.

Then they had to drink a chaser of bile.

No thank you. If I want to watch people making fools out of themselves I’ll flip on Jerry Springer.

“Watch tonight as Candi who works at Hooters competes against Toni who owns a surf shop. First they’ll try to balance on a beam with a pogo stick way up high, then they’ll try and eat dog turds.”

I think we need a comeback of American Gladiator. Considered a lame show for it’s time at least the contestants did physical competitions and had to sweat a bit.

I’m a freak, I guess. Some of the stuff I find pretty yummy grosses a lot of folks out.

Half-hatched eggs are actually pretty yummy. If for any reason you ever find yourself having to eat them, try to have a taste without looking. The first time can be sort of creepy, but they really are pretty good once you get past the weirdness.

This is one of my missions on earth. I am the head of the Earthworms Make Good Eatin’ Committee. I went to a restaurant a few years ago that had fried worms on the menu, and because I’m just so dern brave with stuff like that, I gave it a go. I found it to be similar to fried calimari, but I prefer the texture. They were so good in fact, that I occasionally make them at home. I’d make it more often if it wasn’t such an involved process.

I’ve been told more than once how disgusting this is, but honestly have never been able to understand why. There are lots of “acceptable” food items that are pretty gross looking when they’re alive (especially some seafood), so why not worms?

Yes, but strangely cathartic in its own way.

Robin, who is ashamed that she indulges Airman in his raw-meat habit.


TNN beat you to it. Unless you mean new episodes.

Lord, I’m going to be ill…

I also watch the show… the eating competition is part of the attraction.

What amuses me is when they eat something, like the half-cooked duck embryos, that I KNOW is a delicacy in other cultures (balut, it’s philipino).

And there is still danger in the stunts. I saw one a while back where a woman fell from a rope ladder while trying to climb up, and her leg caught. It slipped right out, but if she had been higher, she could have seriously hurt herself.

Hmm… real Celebrity Fear Factor?

Make the producers of any awards show sit through an entire evening of performers making political statements

Make Jay Leno’s producers broadcast a TATU performance and keep the camera on them through the whole thing

Make Disney/Time-Warner execs greenlight translating and putting on broadcast TV an Anime in which you show characters of ALL ages and genders smoking, drinking & bleeding

Make a police chief anywhere apologize and offer to pay damages for raiding the wrong house; or a customs official do the same for dismantling your car at the border

Make a DA say publicly “hell, yeah, we f***d up, the guy is innocent and the original conviction should be reversed”

Make Jacques Chirac sit through a thorough presentation on the real level of power and importance of France and French culture in the last 50 years

Make George W recite all the capitals of EU and OAS members.

Make Noam Chomsky sit through George W making a speech consisting entirely of 3-or-more syllable words (double whammy – who will bail out first?)

Make John Ashcroft give his next 5 news conferences on the Playboy Mansion lawn, with the girls cavorting in the background :smiley: