People who die this way (traumatic brain injury immediately upon impact) actually end up saving lots of healthcare $$ that would otherwise be devoted to prolonging their life/end-of-life care during old age. More power to him.
You are correct! This is really fucking funny. Anytime a long-haired greasy biker dies it’s fucking hilarious.
Here’s another thigh-slapper for you funny people out there: a doctor and his daughter died while hiking!. See how fucking funny this is? They died while exercising. Hi-fucking-larious!
I hope no one here dies from laughing too much! Ha!Ha!
And the irony is it was a hike against safe hiking!! Well I assume it is, I’m too lazy to read the article. But it must be or it wouldn’t have made any sense to conflate the two.
I personally don’t agree with this. People die all the time and I am not diminished. I wish I was, I could use the weight loss. Hell, several people probably died during typing this out and I didn’t lose an ounce.
All deaths are the inevitable outcome of being born. Some deaths are comic. Some are kharmic. Some are tragic. And some, like the biker, are ironic. While I won’t point and laugh (to hopefully stave off kharma by dying while doing something foolish), this is quite the ironic death.
I haven’t read it either. Did they die while hiking barefoot through rattlesnake country, or were they mauled to death while hiking in the nude after smearing themselves with grizzly bear bait? (Not sure which “rights group” they belonged to…)