Dumb question about liquor laws

I am trying to fnd grappa in Texas. Not only have most people never heard of it, I have no idea if I can have it shipped here. Is there anyway to have liquor shipped to my house from a) out of the country or b) another state? Why are laws so restrictive state to state about shipping alcohol?

Well, first off, here’s the Texas ABC page, with more information and contact infor than you’d ever want.

Laws about alcohol shipment are generally concerned with revenue. The states want to make sure they can tax alcohol sales, therefore they usually restrict importation to people they can get money out of, like licensed importers. If you could drive to Arkansas in a truck, load up on booze, then bring it back and sell it without paying taxes, you’d be doing the state out of a lot of money.

If you can’t find grappa locally, go to the ABC store and see if they have a “Special Order Book”. In Virginia, I’ve had to do this once or twice, and it’s pretty easy.

Well, if you live in Houston, you can go to Grappino de Nino restaurant and sip some Grappa in a pretty nice environment. Or, Spec’s liquor has two or three brands of just about everything, and they’ll special order anything they don’t carry.

False_God, if you really do live in Arlington, you should never, ever set foot in a Virginia ABC store! The District is a short Metro trip away, and booze is way cheaper over there, to say nothing of the selection that’s available!

Actually, I’ve compared prices in the District and VA, and it’s usually cheaper in the ABC stores. Plus the taxes are less, and I don’t have a problem with selection.

Hey thanks I live in San Antonio but it might be worth the drive for good “mensa e’ liquore di Ialiano”

I might try and order from a larger liquor store here too.

Because they can be. Alcohol is different from other goods in that states retain the power to erect discriminatory import barriers due to Section 2 of the Twenty-First Amendment. Congress added this ill-advised clause when repealing federal prohibition so that states which wished to remain dry could legally ban out-of-state imports, which would otherwise violate the Commerce Clause. There are no more dry states, but state governments continue to take advantage of this rare opportunity for state-against-state “protectionism”.