Dumb things in movies

Not torture, except for keeping him awake.

With proper training, it can be extremely effective.

One of my favorite Carol Burnett Show moments was an episode of As the Stomach Turns. Marion (Carol’s character) needed to have the family doctor come to the house.

MARION (into telephone): Doctor, can you come over right away?

SFX: Ding-Dong

MARION (still speaking into telephone): Oh, that must be you now.

Why, you wouldn’t expect a star to show up at the clubs in a regulation haircut, would you? (except for Ed Harris, of course)

Signs: the alien invasion is thwarted by a baseball bat and a lawn sprinkler.

80 bad guys - trained killers, so we’re told - all shooting at one good guy and no one hits him.

Control surfaces in the vacuum of space.

And glasses of water that the little girl just happens to keep leaving all over the house.

You should meet my friend Joe. When he considers the conversation over he just hangs up. He might have some issues…

They deflect gravitons, thus warping the gravitational constant of the multi-verse. Dude.

Guy gets the drop on another guy, pointing an automatic handgun at him. Guy makes a move and the guy with the gun cocks his automatic dramatically. It’s either a dramatic effect edit, or the guy with the gun had a chambered round with the hammer down, which, for most automatics, would render it useless in a confrontation with someone else carrying a weapon. The list is endless, I know, and most people don’t know the difference. The rest of us just have to grit our teeth. :slight_smile:

The women are all incredibly hot.

One that has bugged me since my wife brought it to my attention is cool cops and medical examiners speaking about “GSWs” “Gun shot wound” - 3 syllables. “GSW” - 5!

Nice abbreviation there!

Our guilty TV habit is Hawaii 5-O. We get a kick out of how nearly every week, in the penultimate scene they’ll kill 5-10 bad guys (paradise indeed!), and their reaction is, “Let’s go have a beer!” Sociopath much? :smiley:

I gratuitously shoot up places and then I AGONIZE about it later to my girlfriend.

And I write novels. IN CRAYON!

This is the ***dumb ***things thread. :smiley:

I took a shot to the 'nads while sparring with other guys in a tae kwon do class. It wasn’t even that square a blow or that hard. I dropped like a sack of potatoes. Took a few minutes to get back up. And I was done for the day.

An Officer and a Gentleman had a great scene where the D.I and cadet were fighting in the ring. The D.I. goes down to the mat, the cadet is about to deliver an ‘end of fight’ kick, except the D.I. delivers a kick, square in the cadet’s gonads. His reaction is very realistic, as in he drops into a fetal position, writhes in pain and blows snot bubbles.

An EMT once told me on how training films for CPR invariably had a lovely woman needing mouth to mouth. In reality it’s a drunk or drugged middle aged man who vomits in your mouth when you revive him. Used to watch “Babewatch” to see if it took Mitch two or three breaths to save someone and if they had a mild cough or not. Once Mitch couldn’t save somebody and was depressed until they found out the guy had been dead for awhile.

In the movies, they make it look so perfect.
And in the background they’re always playing the right song.
In the ending, there’s always a resolution.
But real life is more than just two hours long!

Yeah, that was definitely a Rock slide.

Also, Carla Gugino is a pretty decent actress. Who blackmailed her into That horror show!?
Number One of the Top 20 questions she’ll never answer: “Carla…! Which is more embarrassing? Being naked on the floor in ‘Sin City’ with your hand chopped off… or being in ‘San Andreas’…?”

“Yep, anthrax!”