The legislators whose sign is proudly displayed in your trash-filled, weedy yard, next to the cans of PBR, and ghetto pit bull dog poop you don’t bother to pick up, are itching to severely limit the number of section 8 housing applications in our town. They also want to reevaluate the existing recipients of the benefit, as well.
They are also aiming to close the after school programs several of your born-out-of-wedlock children attend, after eating the free breakfast and lunch these same men want to eliminate. Idiots. I am a bleeding heart liberal, but I almost hope these republicans win if it means you need to move out and reduce the blight in my community. Being poor doesn’t mean you can’t clean your yard, throw out the old sofas in your porch and pick up dog crap. My family grew up poor, in a housing project, but my grandmother also said, “Soap is cheap and water is free”…
I have dismantled them, removed the hardware, put the cushions piece by piece into garbage cans, set some of the wood on fire in my fire pit, and carried manageable sized pieces to the end of the driveway. Sometimes it takes me 3 weeks to throw away a couch.
Took some stuff to my local recycling/trash collection center on Sunday, and saw people disposing of a couch. They stuffed the thing into the compactor just like it was a box or a bag of trash. It took a couple of crunch-shove-crunch sessions, but it disappeared into the holding hopper!
I don’t know about couches, but my parents once disposed of two broken recliners by simply leaving them at the curb…a pickup truck showed up late one night, and the next morning the recliners were gone.
When I had some extra furniture, I had a friend of min put a post on freecycle describing the items. It was like dropping a cow carcass into piranha-filled waters.
Well, when the correlation of “poverty” to “living in squalor” was brought up in a previous thread, it was promptly pointed out that the working poor are simply TOO BUSY to clean up their yards…
And children born out of wedlock deserve your derision, why? What the hell did they do to you? Did they ask to be so born? How exactly do you know they were born out of wedlock anyway? Checked did you?