Dún Briste, Ireland — who’s been? Who’d want to go?

I like dramatic landscapes, geology and geography. This popped up on my FB feed and I was fascinated by the imagery. I found some info about it. We haven’t been — yet!

Dún Briste Sea Stack, Ireland

Have you been? What was your experience?

Dún Briste is Gaelic for Broken Fort, its name since 1393 when a storm broke the last connection to the mainland and stranded a few people there. It is about 150 feet high and about 250 feet from the shore. If you’re from anywhere else in the world please divide by 3 for the metric conversion. :slightly_smiling_face: The top surface is about 180 feet long and 50 feet wide. Not big enough for a football game (American football :slightly_smiling_face:) In the last 50 years some erosion is visible (yellow circle).

It is located on the Republic of Ireland’s northwest coast, at Downpatrick Head peninsula near Céide Fields in County Mayo.

Maybe a good time to go is during the Healyfest in the nearby village of Ballycastle. Healyfest is a pub music festival on every August Bank Holiday, the first Monday in August. Guinness!

Dún Briste, Ireland
◆ Geo coords ▲ 54.32739, -9.34823
◆ Map ➜ https://maps.app.goo.gl/gWJvryWxp1rj61K97
◆ Wiki ➜ List of sea stacks - Wikipedia
◆ Spanish wiki ➜ Dún Briste - Wikipedia
◆ Image search ➜ Dún Briste Sea Stack, Ireland - Google Search
◆ FB, World Archaeology ➜ World Archaeology
◆ Refs ➜ https://is.gd/N3olJrsize Dún Briste - Google Search

More pics here:

Translating from the Spanish wiki ➜ Dún Briste - Wikipedia

There’s probably a better way to do this but this is from translate.google.com.

Dún Briste (inglés: Dun Briste Sea Stack) ye un farallón o pilastra natural —en xeomorfoloxía denomináu stack— que se formó nel periodu carboníferu posiblemente misisípicou fai aprosimao 350 millones d’años.
★ Dun Briste (English: Dun Briste Sea Stack) is a natural cliff or pilaster - in geomorphology called a stack - that was formed in the possibly Mississippian carboniferous period approximately 350 million years ago.

La so creación producióse nel añu 1393 cuando una fuerte nube d’altamar quebróla y dexóla varada cercana a la mariña.
★ History — Its creation occurred in the year 1393 when a strong offshore cloud broke it and left it stranded near the sea.

La evidencia de que formó parte de tierra firme foi presentada en 1980 por investigadores qu’aterrizaron sobro ella y fixeron peritaxes, ellí afayaron edificaciones de piedra y restos de pasos pa les oveyes.
★ The evidence that it was part of the mainland was presented in 1980 by researchers who landed on it and carried out surveys, where they discovered stone buildings and remains of sheep steps.

Cuando la formación de Dún Briste nun taba dixebrada del cabu, Patriciu d’Irlanda, construyó una de les primeres ilesies d’Irlanda. Mientres la Segunda Guerra Mundial la casa cercana sirvió como puestu de vixilancia de la guardia costera irlandesa.
★ When the Dún Briste formation was not separated from the cape, Patrick of Ireland built one of the first churches in Ireland. During the Second World War the nearby house served as a guard post for the Irish Coast Guard.

Atópase precisamente nel cabu de Downpatrick Head a 5 kilómetros de la ciudá de Ballycastle nel Condáu de Mayo, Irlanda. A namás 20 metros de distancia y con 228 metros de fondura, atópase dixebrada de la mariña. Mide 45 metros d’altor, 63 metros de llargu y 23 d’anchu.
★ Description — Found precisely at the headland of Downpatrick Head, 5 kilometers from the city of Ballycastle in County Mayo, Ireland. Just 20 meters away and 228 meters deep, it is found dixebrated from the sea. It measures 45 meters high, 63 meters long and 23 meters wide.

Lleenda de San Patriciu
La lleenda cunta que dientro del cabu vivía’l dios célticu Crom Dubh, que refuga convertise al cristianismu que pedricaba San Patriciu, polo qu’esti anoxó, cuto’l suelu del cabu cola so vara y esto provocó la separación de la formación de la islla, condergando a Dubh a morrer n’absoluta soledá aislláu de tierra firme.
★ Legend of Saint Patrick — The legend tells that inside the cape lived the Celtic god Crom Dubh, who fled and converted to Christianity that Saint Patrick peddled, for which he anoxicted, cut the ground of the cape with his rod and this caused the separation of the island’s formation, leading Dubh to die in absolute solitude isolated from the mainland.

Image gallery from Spanish wiki ➜ Dún Briste - Wikipedia


Semeya del farallón nel añu 2006.
★ Semeya del Farallón in 2006.


Fotografía tomada nel añu 2021.
★ Photograph taken in 2021.


Semeya de la mariña más cercana al Dún Briste, xunto a la casa de vixilancia, nel añu 2006.
★ Image from the marina closest to Dún Briste, next to the surveillance house, in 2006.


Semeya tomada donde se ve la distancia dende la mariña hasta’l farallón, añu 2006.
★ Image taken where you can see the distance from the sea to the cliff, year 2006.


Semeya centrada en el Dún Briste, añu 2021.
★ Image focused on Dún Briste, year 2021.

The text is from Asturian (I thought it was Catalan before I looked into it) Wikipedia rather than Spanish Wikipedia.

Thank you for that. I let Google Translate detect the language. I just checked and it does not list Asturian, but does list Catalan as a language it can translate to/from.