I read Dune several years back, and watched the David Lynch movie back in the day. After finishing it, I though about reading the sequels, but their number deterred me, and so I instead read the plot summaries on Wikipedia. The direction the sequels take seem very bizarre. I’d like to have a better understanding of what happens, but don’t have that much time to dedicate to a project that I suspect may not pay off in the end. That’s the background I bring to Dune.
Here’s the what if. What if Duke Leto I had managed to hold off the Sardakaur and Harkonen forces using only his own troops? Let’s say he maybe has more of them, or he had a little more time to arrange better defenses and improve their training, or he knew about the betrayal that Dr. Yueh was planning, or some such thing. How would things have gone differently? Would this be the Star Wars equivalent of what if Mace Windu had managed to kill Palpatine during their duel, AKA good guys win - end of story?
Now for the sequels. The descriptions I’ve read seem very convoluted, with multiple clones of the same characters brought back to life, a jihad that occurs for some reason or another that I don’t understand, and things generally going haywire. Does Paul basically turn into a bad guy when he unleashes the Fremen Jihad? Why did he do it to begin with? Without spaceships, it doesn’t matter how much control the Fremen have over the melange, they’ll be stuck on Arakis. All Paul has to do to prevent the Jihad is tell them “no spaceships for you.” It’s not like the Fremen have a spaceship factory of their own. I’m sure I’m missing many of the explanations, but the summaries on Wikipedia don’t do a good job of explaining things. Veterans of the series, please help me out here. What’s the straight dope on the sequels?