My grandmother was able to trace our family history back a good number of years and generations. The short version is that I am a direct male-line descendant of a fellow by the name of Haromandus Barentsen van Nijmegen. We know for certain the date of his marriage (1701 to the widow Jannetje Cobes of Albany, NY), and that he was living in New York (not the city) at the time. We think that he was the first of his family to come over from Holland, and that he came from the province of Gelderland. It is possible that he is a descendant of the sailor (navigator and captain) Wilhelm Barentz, which is something we would like to find out more about.
So, right now, my family’s work into the geneology seems to be at an impasse. My pop is not able to trace the line back any further than Heromandus, most likely due to the state of passenger records of the late 1600’s. (We’re not entirely sure when he came over, but 1698 or so seems like as good a guess as any.)
One of the things I would like to do is to travel to Nijmegen this summer. Possibly, if I am there, I might be able to track down some more records. (Hey, even if I can’t find out anything new, it still sounds like a good time!) I know that we have a bunch of Dutch Dopers on the board, but I don’t know if anyone knows of geneologists / record keepers who would be willing to help. But, hey, I figured, it’s The Dope! Someone’s gotta know something!
So, I am looking to see if anyone might have some leads to help me, even if it as mundane and pointless as hooking me up with the contact info for a hostel in Nijmegen and a map of old cemetaries.
I don’t have any hard plans yet about when I am going to be over on that side of the pond. Right now, I am thinking sometime around late July to early August.
Thanks in advance