DVD Ripper for Mac

I recently switched to a mac and am looking for a new DVD ripping software. I have some DVDs I own and want to push them to mp4 for the kids and for road trips on the Kindle.

Any recommendations for freeware? I tried a couple and they only allowed a rip of the first 5 minutes without the paid version. I used WinRipperPlatinum on my old windows PC, but can’t find an equivalent.

I’ve used Handbrake on my Windows PC. It’s also available for the Mac.

Second Handbrake. Excellent program.

Aye, Handbrake is the shiznit for Macs.

Handbrake doesn’t seem to want to copy encrypted DVDs. Just tried with my Lion King and it said no go. :frowning:

Will MakeMKV work for Macs? The cnet reviewers at the downlink site seem to think so.

I remember using it for PC.

Disney really doesn’t want anyone copying their stuff. I could tell you how to get around it, but I’m afraid that would violate the board rules. Easy enough to find out for yourself.